Chapter Forty Nine

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Running a hand through his curls absently, Séraphine's heart warmed as he snuggled closer to her. He murmured her name in his sleep which made her all the more determined. She had to find out the connection from the past to present without disturbing either timeline. The littlest change could distort the future.

Catherine appearing today exactly how she was 100 years ago meant that she must have faked her death in the registry and been sent here. But how? And how could she have known that the trio arrived in the 1990's? Was it part of her magic? Was she able to find them that way?

There were so many questions, but the night was long. She had six hours until it would be time to wake Sebastian up for breakfast. Six hours she could hold the wizard she was in love with while his body fought fruitlessly against the Dark Mark which had been placed on his body by Voldemort himself.

A tear slid down her cheek and splashed against his cheek, but he didn't stir. She needed to become stronger to protect him. He was always rushing in front of her.

The sooner she destroyed the Dark Lord and Catherine, the sooner she could settle down comfortably with her fiancé. The sooner she could stop using Dark Magic before it killed her too.

Professor Trelawney

Sebastian was still asleep by the time breakfast came and went. Ominis arrived with Luna who was carrying a small basket full of breakfast pastries, eggs, and bacon. Séraphine looked at them tiredly from where she sat on the bed with his head still in her lap. He was blissfully still asleep and she was certain he needed it. The Dark Mark had taken a lot of his energy and he'd discarded his shirt sometime in the middle of the night from being too warm. She'd had to fill the pail twice and maintain a cooling charm for the past couple hours. To say she was spent was an understatement.

"You look exhausted." Luna noted, raising the basket. "Hungry?"

Ominis frowned, "Exhausted? Please tell me they have clothes on."

"They have clothes on." She replied without hesitation.

His eyebrow cocked up, skeptical. "Love, tell me because they truly do have clothes on, not because I asked you politely."

Luna smiled at this, "Séra does, as for Sebastian; I could peak under the covers if you'd like."

"NO. No. I would not like that." Ominis gritted out, "Séra?"

Séraphine's silent laughter woke the sleeping wizard. "Calme, he's got trousers on, don't fret. Your lady's innocence is not in danger."

"Do I smell bacon or is that a new perfume?" Sebastian muttered sleepily.

She blinked, staring down at him. Ignoring how her stomach filled with papillons when he looked up at her with a lazy smile. "I should throw you off this bed for thinking I would ever buy a parfum that smells like cooked porc."

"You wouldn't, you love me too much." He drawled out, turning his head to spot Ominis and Luna. "What time is it?"

"Almost eight." Luna answered happily.

This caused Sebastian to scramble up, "In the morning?! Have you slept?"

Leave it to him to be immediately concerned with her wellbeing. She smiled in the hopes that he didn't see notice how tired she was, but it must have been obvious by the dark circles and her hair was thrown haphazardly in a braid down her shoulder while she took care of him. "Are you feeling any better?"

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