Chapter Fifty Three

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As she caught her breath, Séraphine casted him a bemused look. "'Bastien, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be off avoiding Ominis and another lecture?"

Sebastian nodded, taking a seat beside her. "That's precisely what I'm doing now. And who better to see than the love of my life? I was bloody confused on how to find your dorm until I heard you scoff quietly. Honestly, I'd thought you'd somehow detected me."

"No, I was in another world." She mused quietly, laying her head on his shoulder and she now looked into the Hearth's flames. "I feel as if we've opened up a can of gillyweed today. This new information has led to a more complicated trail to follow."

He nodded, digesting her words. "But it's given me hope that maybe Anne was able to be happy and find a family to belong to. What if we keep digging and then I find out she had a hard life?"

She didn't know how to comfort him, but took his hand in both of hers. "The choice is yours, 'Bastien. If you choose to find out one day, I'll be there by your side."

The expression on his face told her that was everything he needed to hear. Then realization struck his face.

"Oh. Right. The actual reason I came here tonight." His eyebrow perked up. "What have you been hiding from me the past few weeks?"

A Grim Tale - Mature Read

She sniffed. "This is the part where I change the subject in a demure way and you allow it to slide like the gentleman you are."

He remained skeptical of her. "You are not shy nor am I gentleman. Next."

"I could seduce you and make you forget about your question?" She offered, glancing at him beneath her eyelashes in the coy way she knew he loved.

Though his eyes did darken with naughty ideas, his voice was firm. "You can seduce me all you'd like ma chérie, but whether you're naked on top of me now or later isn't going to stop me from asking."

Séraphine pouted at his response, but recognized the anxiety rising in him. He played it off well, but his left hand was apprehensively picking at a frayed string on his Slytherin robe. Taking a deep breath, she told him quietly. "That day in the Divination Classroom, I didn't drink my tea leaves. I made them disappear..."

"You saw a Grim didn't you?"

His bluntness washed over her like a freezing bucket of water. "Quoi-What-How did you..."

"When it comes to you," Sebastian grimaced, shifting his eyes over to the flames with a forlorn expression, "I've come to expect the worst possible outcome."


"Am I wrong?"


Sebastian brought her hand to his cheek and simply held it there as if her presence alone comforted him. "I can't argue against fate, Séraphine. But if it's trying to tell you that you die, then I suppose we died together."

"Don't talk like that." She chided, staring him in a serious manner. Her heart panged at the thought him him dying.

He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, "It's the truth, darling. If you die, then I must have already died trying to protect you."

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