Chapter Forty Six

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The Dark Lord mistook her confusion, thinking that she was confused about what a Horcrux was. "I am immortal, you see. Nagini's imminent death is of no matter." As he spoke, Séraphine watched as another snake slithered into the dining foyer. "For I have another whose venom can cause great harm."

He gazed at each of the Death Eaters with a cold stare, knowing that one of them had betrayed him. His eyes lingered on Draco's father for a moment before shifting his attention back to Ominis' body. He was frozen into position, only his mouth set in a firm line; his tongue rolling against the inside of his cheek in suppressed anger.

"Enough distractions." The Dark Lord spoke with finality, allowing his snake that looked similar to Nagini to creep along the edge of the table by the hearth. "Tonight I intend on welcoming two young Death Eaters into our mix. Séraphine Rosier of the proud French Rose family. Ominis Gaunt, my ancestor, and another Heir to Slytherin."

Séraphine watched in horror as his wand moved towards Ominis. She didn't think that her horror could grow until she watched the Snake transform into a human in front of the fire. It wasn't a normal snake, it was an animagus.

And now she was staring at Catherine's smirking face. She hadn't changed at all.

"Hello, Séraphine." Her narrowed eyes slid over to the wizard pressed against the table. She made a tsk noise, "Aren't you tired of always being her knight?"

The Dark Lord's wand connected with Sebastian's forearm and his eyes snapped up. Disgust filled his voice. "Half-Blood."

Blood Traitors

Her heart was racing almost as fast as her thoughts were.

What to do?!

Plan A: Start a battle severely outnumbered with no guarantee that Draco would even fight on their side. After all, it's obvious he's very protective over his mother.

Plan B: Try to escape. Ruin any possibilities to be spies. Risk getting captured as it seems that Catherine is on the Dark Lord's side with her special magic and she's an animagus now.

Place C: Sit down and cry.

Out of all her ideas, the last plan sounded plausible at this point.

The Dark Lord's voice snapped her out of her musings, "Did you know about this?"

She looked up as the wand pointed to the side of her head. Sebastian in Ominis' voice roared for him to get away from her when everything suddenly went black.

She felt him in her mind. With no tact or concern for her mental well-being, Séraphine watched for a moment as he flipped through her memories. They started with the night Anne was cursed and the beginning of her path to the Dark Arts. He seemed particularly interested in how she performed the Dark Arts that night and the effect it had on her body.

Trying to find a cure. She felt faint amusement come from him as he saw how she suffered. Long days prepping ingredients, brewing potions, studying the plant life around Hogwarts, and the even longer nights where nightmares plagued her.

Catherine introducing herself. He lingered, watching as Catherine threw Sebastian longing looks even from the beginning.

The Scriptorium. She heard a dark chuckle when the Séraphine maimed the dark haired witch. He held onto this memory, paying close attention to Ominis when he grabbed Sebastian's robe first, and hauled him towards the exit.

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