Chapter Fifteen

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With no hesitation, his eyes glassed over, and he was entirely under her command. The Dark magic was creeping underneath her skin, like dozens of slugs oozing malice and pain along her limbs. It was horrid, what Dark magic did to the body. It was why Séraphine wanted to keep Sebastian as far away as possible. Why Ominis was so against it any of them using it. She wouldn't be able to keep the spell up for long, but just enough to-


Despite having been locked, the door flew open as Séraphine grabbed the vial of Phoenix tears from Samuel's hand. It rattled so loudly against the wall, the hinges screamed with the audible threat to fall off.

It was enough to break her concentration.

It was enough to break the spell.

Séraphine met Samuel's rage filled gaze the moment he lunged towards her, and wrapped his hands around her neck.

Thick Headed Idiot

"Depulso." Ominis snapped, rushing forward to kneel next to Séraphine. The other wizard crashed against one of the bookcases, causing the entire case to fall forward. He rolled on his side, dodging the furniture, and scrambled up with a hateful glance. Ominis' voice was soft, but the lethality in his voice wasn't lacking. "If you ever...Place another hand on my Fiancée, I'll make sure it's the last thing you ever do."

Séraphine held on tight to the vial, trying to stop her hands from trembling. Ominis ushered her out of the room and down the hall to where her bedroom was. A couple wizards noticed them with a knowing laugh, muttering something about kids these days. They probably thought her and Ominis were sneaking away from the party for a romantic rendezvous.

Instead, the moment the door closed behind them, she started crying. Her voice was shaky as she started wiping away the tears, "Je m'excuse. I don't know why they started falling. I don't know why I'm crying."

"It's shock." Ominis replied dryly, frowning. "Don't apologize. I'm telling your parents we're leaving. Stay in the room and charm the door behind me."

Séraphine nodded wordlessly. The moment she finished casting the charm, the doorknob began to shake. She could hear 'Alohomora' over and over again, each time more aggressive than the last.

It was Parkinson.

"Let me in." He banged on the door, causing her anxiety to soar.

Blood rushing past her ears, she sat down on her bed, and made the mistake of looking in the mirror. She could see that her skin was red around her neck regardless of how quick Ominis had thrown him off her. Her cheeks were flushed and eyes shiny with unshed tears. The Dark magic inside her was bubbling, reminding her that the Dark Arts always came with a cost. She felt nauseous.

"I will find you. I will have you." Came the sinister growl before a loud slam on the door. He had hit it, frustrated with not being able to get to her.

For a few minutes it was quiet. Séraphine had her hands wrapped around her body, bringing herself comfort when all she wanted was him.

The him with so many freckles kissed against his skin, it would take endless nights to count them all.

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