Chapter Twenty Five

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Séraphine didn't like not knowing the situation. She didn't like not knowing what to expect. Her mind was racing with possibilities, but nothing was adding up.

"Where is Headmaster Black?" She inquired, "And Dinah Hecat. Aesop Sharp. Shah, Howin, Onai, Kogawa, Garlick, Ronen-Deputy Headmistress Weasley for Merlin's sake. She would never be late. And the Start of Term feast was days ago."

There was silence for a moment. It was as if he was trying to find a way to break the news to someone. Umbridge on the other hand laughed. It was forced and too dainty to be authentic.

"Phineas? My he hasn't been the Headmaster for years now."

Sebastian's voice was quiet, but firm. He was able to ask the question they were all afraid of. "What year is it?"

The Headmaster gazed at them all for a moment.

"Today's date the 1st of September. Year 1995."

A Trip Back Home

Ominis raised his eyebrows, "It's 1995? We were sent 105 years into the future?" A wicked smile plastered across his face, "And my family is dead? What a joyous occasion."

"Ominis." Séraphine hissed under her breath as she looked at the wizard beside her.

His expression was frozen; light devoid from his eyes. The sound of Hogwarts students chatting became muffled background noise. His expression might have been blank to most, but Séraphine could tell by the slight set to his jaw and the way his lips were imperceptibly pressed together that he was barely keeping himself from saying more.

"The year is 1995?" She echoed in disbelief, trying to understand if this was some sort of practical joke, but she didn't know him well enough. "Headmaster, can we speak in private?"

He nodded, "After supper. You all deserve to enjoy the food-"

"I'd rather starve." Sebastian muttered before turning on his heel and leaving them.

Ominis voice was quiet, barely enough for her to hear. "Go Séra. I won't be able to calm him down this time." Louder he said to the Headmaster, his voice more blithe. "You're sure-The entire Gaunt line is dead?"

Séraphine didn't catch wind of anything else as she briskly walked down the aisle between Slytherin and Gryffindor as fast as her legs would allow her. She thought Sebastian was heading to the Dungeons or maybe the Undercroft. The halls held more portraits than they had over 100 years ago and now she recognized some of the witches and wizards in the paintings. Natty had apparently won a few awards for bravery, taking down some sort of poaching scheme. 1890? What did they miss?

On the way out to the Gardens, there was a Quidditch wall with all the previous captains. She caught sight of Imelda and Sebastian's photo high up on the wall for Slytherin. Now there were a 105 years of captains that following with Draco being the most recent.

Sebastian threw the doors open, slamming the ancient wooden doors with a bristling crack that echoed amongst the empty halls. Séraphine said nothing, closing them silently behind her as he made his way towards the Quidditch field. He said not a word the entire time. Séraphine could vaguely hear him struggling to breathe.

"Where are you going?" She called out after him, worry seeping through her voice. Under the cover of darkness, she could barely make out his broad shoulders in the moonlight. "Are you-"

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