Chapter Forty Five

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"It is Miss Burbage's belief that Muggles are not so different from us." The Dark Lord's smile was full of malice as quiet rage flooded his tone. "She would, given her way, have us mate with them." A disgusted noise was made from a woman a few chairs down who had wild black hair and a maniacal laugh. "To her, the mixture of magical and muggle blood is not an abomination... But something to be encouraged."

"Please." Her voice was hoarse from what could be assumed hours of screaming. "Don't do this."

At her request, the Dark Lord sent out a green cast of magic; killing her instantly. Her body fell to the table with a sickening thud. Séraphine swallowed, doing her best to remain calm. This was a form of entertainment?

How easily could the Professor's body have been replaced with a tall Scottish wizard?

Would she have to sit here one night while she watched Sebastian's become lifeless in front of her?

It was, in fact, a snake that she'd heard from before. It rose up from the table between Ominis and the Dark Lord. Dark, gleaming scales that caught the light from the hearth. Everyone took their hands off the table, watching as the giant serpent slithered by.

A cruel smile spread across the Dark Lord's pale face.

"Nagini.... Dinner."

Lies and Deception

That was the start of dinner.

Watching a snake abrasively swallow a witch whole and she was expected to be able to eat lamb and vegetables. Everyone around her was eating normally. Ominis and Draco were unfazed, cutting into the slice of lamb with ease.

"Séraphine." The Dark Lord said her name with interest, "Professor Umbridge told me of your old school records. She informed me of your efforts to cure those cursed with Dark magic. We have a potioneer in our midst, everyone. I was quite good in my school days too."

She nodded, taking a bite of the meat to give her time while she thought of an appropriate response. "I had a friend who was cursed. I was working on a cure."

"Are you well versed in the Dark Arts?"

"It's in my blood." Séraphine replied calmly, staring into his eyes.

He laughed, causing almost everyone to join him. Some laughed more than others. Draco's father in particular looked like he was wound up as if the littlest mistake would result in his family's death. The Dark Lord's attention shifted to Ominis.

"It's an honor to have one of my ancestors, another heir to Slytherin here to join us." He smiled again, "There is no purer blood than that of the Gaunt lineage."

Who's your father? Séraphine quickly took another bite, refusing to allow her snarky comments to escape.

Ominis smiled politely, "Thank you for the invitation."

"What are your thoughts on there being a Muggle Studies Professor at Hogwarts?" He inquired, gazing at the blind wizard with narrowed eyes. It felt like one wrong word and Ominis was guaranteed a fate worse than death. "Salazar would be turning over in his grave. First allowing half-bloods, then Muggle-born students-" Séraphine didn't miss the way Draco's jaw clenched in anger, "-and now forcing their ideology on the children."

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