Chapter Fifty Nine

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Lifting her head slowly, Séraphine looked to see the ball of fur bump into her hip. A small smile graced her lips. A Puffskein. How ironic.

"Hey there..." She whispered, rolling the Puffskein over to see its happy face.

Only, it wasn't happy. It wasn't even alive. Séraphine would vomit again if she had anything in her stomach left. It didn't stop her from gagging as she stared at the dead creature. Its eyes were gouged out. Two little holes, empty. A slimy mucus appeared to be liquifying the creature from the inside out, emitting a nauseating smell.

Séraphine looked over in the direction the Puffskein came from. There standing by the edge of the lake was an Acromantula. The size of a carriage horse, the eight-legged black, hairy creature was still as it seemed to size her up. Its pinchers clicked excitedly after a moment, determining that Séraphine was close to death. She was an easy meal.

It began to crawl towards her until Séraphine was an arms length away from its fangs. She swallowed, silently praying for a quick death as it reared up on its hind legs.


A Web of Trouble

Séraphine knew that she would die one day. It was a fact of life. One day her and Sebastian would leave behind only memories and trinkets for their children. Despite Sebastian's allusion, she was not planning to give him his own Quidditch team, but there would certainly be a couple if Merlin allowed it.

Now she had to face the fact that there would be no children. The only thing she faced was eight soulless orbs and fangs that were descending towards her. Without any warning, a figure pulled her back while another stood in front of her protectively.

"Arania Exumai!" A deep, vicious voice bellowed.

Cologne that smelled like a mixture of mahogany and spiced apples surrounded her. In the haze of her mind, Séraphine didn't recognize it. This wasn't the citrus, clove and cinnamon she associated with her lover nor was it the Eucalyptus and clean linen she associated Ominis with. It was foreign. It was a stranger.

She shoved him away, though it was more of a meek push.

"Hold still you bloody idiot, how you haven't died from frostbite is a miracle." Draco snapped, pulling his wand out to cast a drying charm on her clothes, "Granger, any word from Ominis?"

"No updates." Hermione said shortly, coming to her side with a large, obnoxious looking cat in her arms. "Poor thing. Here." She used her wand, murmuring a warming charm.

Another view kneeled down in front of her. His eyes were dark with a silent rage brewing underneath his calm demeanor. He didn't even get a word out before Séraphine mustered the last remaining bit of her energy to lurch forward, and wrap her arms around him.

Sebastian. Her Sebastian. He was here.

His shoulders were rigid and tense; bridled with anger. He was positively livid and out for blood. And yet when he wrapped his arms around her, he held her like she was the most precious thing to have ever existed. "Do you still feel cold? Are you in pain? What can I do for you?" She felt his head turn towards Hermione, "Do you have any potions on you?"

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