Chapter Twelve

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Séraphine headed in, greeting everyone with a polite smile, but not stopping for conversation. As luck would have it, it was time for Sebastian to find out that like Ominis, she was favored by the Headmaster and the other Pureblood supremacists of the school in her last year at Hogwarts.

His voice was awry, uncasting the Disillusionment charm, and he gave her a devilish, sinful smile. "You have a room to yourself?"

Biting the inside of her cheek, she said nothing to the obvious question.

Only paying attention to the fact that they were alone.

In her room.


The Little Rose

Sebastian looked around the room. From the painted robin blue walls to the large bed with the fluffiest looking white blankets. Everything was neat and orderly except for the desk on the far side of the room which was littered with papers, sketches of different herbs she was researching, and a checklist of sorts of what potions she's tried with Anne, and how they affected her.

"I didn't know you were able to draw so well." He murmured, picking up a sketch of a green, flowerless plant with dark red berries. Next to it was the geographic location and time of day it was found since some plants were nocturnal.

Séraphine shrugged lightly, walking over to the bed where the large burgundy package was waiting for her. "I wasn't at first. The earlier entries in my journal look as if a child got ahold of chalk."

As she undid the frivolous gold ribbons, Sebastian sat next to the box farther up on the bed, and leaned back against the headboard. He started flipping through the journal with amusement gleaming in his eyes. Séraphine ignored this, knowing he was poking fun at her in his head, but she was also intentionally ignoring that he was in her space.

"You know Solomon got rid of my bed?" Sebastian unexpectedly said, not looking up from her journal. His eyes weren't focused on the pages anymore, but instead his mind was elsewhere. She placed the lid of the box to the side, scooting it down so she could sit near him. Séraphine had her body turned towards him, with one leg hanging off and the other under her behind. She was giving him her full attention because she thought he needed it. "He said he doesn't expect me back after we graduate...That...That he will continue to take care of Anne himself. There's a shack near the house he'll let me rent out."

Séraphine frowned, vaguely recalling there was indeed a shack, but it was smaller than her bed. It was made of stone and wood, but the stones were misshaped and did nothing to keep out the weather. He'd have to charm the place just to make it habitable. "What? He's thrown you out of the house?"

"In a nice way I suppose." Sebastian mused, eyes focused on the journal. "He says I remind him too much of my father and that if I continue looking for a cure; it's only going to hurt Anne. He called it cruel to hope for her to get better one day."

Gone were the nights then, when they'd all be cooped up in a tiny section of the Sallow house. A tangle of limbs, but they all loved being close. Ominis and Anne always poked fun at Sebastian and Séraphine conveniently picking spots next to each other growing up. If Anne hadn't been cursed...If he hadn't blamed her for it...

"What are you going to do then after we graduate?" She inquired, curiously.

His gazed lifted to meet hers and she was left breathless by the intensity of it. Before he could say anything, a knock sounded at the door briefly before she heard Samantha Dale's voice.

Order of Shadows | Sebastian Sallow Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now