Getting angry enough, Dino tried to launch himself at Massimo but couldn't even hold his own weight and fell on him instead. But even then he didn't back down as Dino looked around and to his luck found a gun. Though it was empty but still he used it to kick Massimo in the head with its barrel. Dino was doing everything he could've in his last moments to save him or even if he was able to injure Massimo a little in the process, that would be enough for him as well.

"You think you won," Dino wheezed out. "You think now you can have her," Chuckling he looked over at Maya, "She's fine but her being yours is what makes her exceptional." He then grinned at Massimo. "Everyone in the mafia knows she's your weakness." Vincent punched him causing him to fall down on the ground. "Just because I couldn't do anything that doesn't mean others wouldn't as well." Massimo had had enough of his shit, he aimed his gun at Dino, "And then one day she will be taken from you just like your mother..."



Dino was gone and so was Hektor. Maya should've been happy knowing that she now no longer had to worry about them, and yet she didn't feel any happiness instead she felt a weird feeling inside her chest on seeing the casket of her real father being buried under the ground. She had been ten when her dad had died in a car accident, although she hadn't been old or smart enough to know the meaning of life and death but she hadn't felt what she was feeling on the funeral of her real father.

Sophia had been crying non stop ever since. In the beginning it was loud wailing and then by the time it turned into silent weeping. But she never stopped crying. For her it was like a nightmare, how her husband the love of her life was no longer with her. Just few days ago they had been planning on eloping somewhere far away with their daughter, to start a new life and to live together happily as a family. And now Sophia was left alone with no one. Well she had her daughter but even she didn't fully trust her mother, not yet atleast.

Massimo had Vincent's and his men to take care of all the mess. Vincent had been kind enough to help Massimo throughout even though he had just gotten married and instead of being with his lovely wife, he was helping Massimo.

It wasn't difficult, they had everything under control and within a day or two they had everything settled. Massimo had arranged Viktor's funeral as well and since Sophia had no where to go he also offered her to live with them. Since both Dino and Hektor were dead, that left the Russian mafia with no boss. And the entire Russian mafia was in a chaos. For now, the word had circulated that Italian mafia had been able to take over Russian mafia.

Sophia being the only lead left, but since she obviously wanted nothing to do with mafia had no interest in taking over. After her, if there was anyone worthy it was Maya, being blood related and also because she was the only heir left. She also was happy being a nurse only and had zero interest in being a mafia queen, which left them with only one choice and it was to leave the matter alone for the time being.

"I owe you big time." Vincent was finally taking his leave. He would straight leave for the airport where his wife was already waiting for him. After two days now he and his wife were now finally leaving for their much awaited honeymoon.

"I hope next time when we meet it's someone's wedding again." Winking at Massimo, Vincent said that while motioning towards Maya.

Maya being oblivious to their interaction, simply put a smile on her face and bid him a goodbye. "We should plan out a trip or something together some day." Vincent suggested. "Alright I gotta go before my wife calls my ass."

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now