Princess Justice 2

919 27 37

{ Note: This episode takes the place of Simpleman }

Scene: Interior, Marinette's room. terrified. Manon runs around making a mess of things.

Marinette: Manon! (chuckles nervously) How about we do some drawing? You like drawing, right? (She opens her drawer that is full of her doodles of Adrien) AHH! Let's play hide-and-seek instead! (She lifts Manon to her other side) ...Okay?
Manon: YEAAAH!
(Marinette then notices the pictures of Adrien hidden all over her room)
Marinette: (panics) Oh! Wait! I... know, I know! Uh, beads! We'll make some beads and necklaces!
(She drops the jewelry box and the beads scatter on the floor, causing Manon to lose interest. She starts messing with more of Marinette's stuff. Marinette runs to her in a panic and trips on her chaise lounge as she continues to make a mess)
Marinette: Oh, Manon, be careful! No, don't touch that! Not the sewing box, there's needles in there! Oh! A movie! How about we watch a fun movie together instead?
Manon: YAY! (She sits on the floor) Coccinelle and Chat Noir! Do you like that one?
Marinette: Oh- yeah, of course! Let me put it on.
(She turns on her computer and starts the movie. Seeing Manon finally settle down, she plops on her chair and sighs in relief. Suddenly, she remembers something)
Marinette: Gah! I totally forgot; Adrien is shooting for a commercial at the Eiffel Tower today! (She gasps) I'm probably already late! Manon! Come on, we're going to the Eiffel Tower!
Manon: Why?
Marinette: Well- uh- because! We always stay here when you come over. Wouldn't it be fun to have an adventure somewhere else?
Manon: YEAH! LET'S GO!
(Manon grabs her bag and runs down the stairs. Marinette sighs with relief and heads after her)

Scene: The Liberty. Luka and Juleka are above deck, when Alya arrives with Ella and Etta.

Ella & Etta: Juleka! Luka!
Alya: Hey, y'all!
Luka: Hey, Alya. What brings you here?
Alya: Juleka agreed to babysit my little sisters for a few hours.
Juleka: Don't worry, Alya, they're in good hands.
Alya: You bet they are! Thanks again for doing this, Juleka. I'll see you guys later! (She leaves)
Juleka: Alright, what do you guys want to do?
Ella & Etta: Let's play pirates!
Luka: (chuckles) Of course.
Juleka: Alright, lead the way below deck, mateys! I think we have some eyepatches somewhere.
Ella & Etta: YAY!
(The twins take off into the cabin. Luka and Juleka laugh together as they follow them down)
Luka: Looks like we'll have our hands full today.
Juleka: You mean I'll have my hands full. Alya asked me to watch them, so they're my responsibility.
Luka: Yeah, but guess what?
Juleka: What?
Luka: Nino asked me to babysit his little brother today. In fact, they should be here any minute.
Nino: Knock, knock! Anybody home?
Luka: Hey, Nino. Come on in.
Nino: (notices the twins) Oh. You didn't tell me you were already babysitting the twins. Maybe I should cancel my date with Alya.
Luka: Not at all; the more the merrier. Go to the movies with your girlfriend.
Nino: You sure?
Luka: Positive.
Nino: Juleka?
Juleka: Go on, go have some fun.
Nino: Wow, thanks guys! You really are the best! (He heads up the cabin stairs and leaves)
Luka: Hey, Chris. How are you?
Chris: Fine, I guess.
Luka: What did you want to do today?
Chris: I don't know. Just as long as it's not for babies.
Luka: Do you want to play pirates with Ella and Etta?
Chris: No way! Pretending is for babies!
Luka: No it's not. Look, Juleka is doing it right now!
(Chris looks to Juleka, who is playing pirates with the twins)
Chris: ...You sure?
Luka: Positive. And there's nothing more serious than being a pirate. What do you say?
Chris: Well... Ok...
Ella: Chris! Come play with us!
Etta: Yeah! You can be the pirate captain!
(Chris looks to Luka, who gives him an encouraging nod. Chris happily runs over to play with the twins. Luka is about to go and join them, but his phone starts ringing. He picks it up and answers)
Luka: Hello?
Adrien: Hey, babe.
Luka: (chuckles) I thought you were busy with your shoot today.
Adrien: I am. Actually, that's why I'm calling.
Luka: What's up?
Adrien: Part of my costume broke. The photographer wanted me to wear these angel wings, but one of them snapped. There's no one here on the sept to repair it. Do you think you could come and give me a hand?
Luka: Uhh... (He looks over at the kids still playing with Juleka) Hold on a second.
(Luka makes a motion towards Juleka, telling her to come closer. Seeing the kids are preoccupied, she slips away and walks over to her brother)
Juleka: What's up?
Luka: It's Adrien, he needs some help on set for his shoot.
Juleka: So go help him.
Luka: I want to, but I don't want to leave you here with all the kids.
Juleka: I'll be fine, you go help your boyfriend.
Luka: Are you sure? Chris is supposed to be my responsibility.
Juleka: You'd do the same for me if I asked. Now go, I've got it all under control!
Luka: Thanks, sis.
(He runs out of the cabin, and Juleka gets back to playing with the kids)

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