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Scene: The streets of Paris. Luka is walking down the sidewalk, when Tikki peeks out from his jacket.

Tikki: Are you sure he won't mind?
Luka: Of course not, you know how much Adrien hates his photoshoots; he'll appreciate it if we stop by to surprise him.
Tikki: Whatever you think is best, Luka!

Scene: The Trocadéro. Adrien is having his photo shoot.

Vincent: Come on, more happy! The smile like you're smelling a delicious lunch in ze kitchen! Ah! No, no! We need a... (notices a lollipop stand) A lollipop!
(Vincent zooms away to get to the stand. A mother is walking by with her baby, August, in a stroller. Adrien waves at August, who's return wave makes Adrien chuckle)
Vincent: (returns with a lollipop) There!
August: Lollipop! Lollipop!
Vincent: Now we have a good taste! Mm-hmm.
August: Lollipop! Lollipop!
August's mother: No, August. Lollipops are not for babies. Your snack is a delicious bottle of milk. (She hands him a bottle)
(Above them, Luka arrives at the Trocadéro. He starts to look for Adrien, but stops when he sees his classmates)
Tikki: Luka, look! (Tikki points nearby) Isn't that your sister?
(The two see Juleka standing next to what looks like a small platform, with a road sign sitting on it. Not too far away, they can see Mylène peeking out from behind a tree. By the staircases, they can see Marinette standing next to Alya, who is watching something through a pair of binoculars)
Tikki: What are they doing?
Luka: I don't know. Juleka mentioned hanging out with some of the girls today, but I thought she said they were going to Marinette's house.
Tikki: Think we should take a closer look?
Luka: I think we'd better, they definitely look up to something.
(Luka hides behind a pillar of the Trocadéro. He can hear the girls talk while they each press something near their ears)
Alya: Are all the flowers planted?
Juleka: (holding the fake "No Parking" sign near the Agreste car) "Rose" planted.
Mylène: (hiding behind a tree from officer Roger) "Sunflower" planted.
Rose: (near the waiting rickshaw) "Tulip" planted!
Marinette: Perfect! Go, "Rose"!
Rose: Uh, me?
Alya: No, the other "Rose"!
(Rose thinks for a moment as Juleka chuckles in amusement, before pushing the cart with the fake sign toward the Agreste car. But a wheel of the cart gets stuck in a slot on a manhole cover)
Juleka: Um, you guys, I've got a problem.
Marinette: "Rose"?
Rose: Yeah, what?
Juleka: (quietly muttering) There's a problem. It's stuck in a grate.
Marinette: "Rose", louder!
Rose: (shouting) YEAH, WHAT?!
(At the Trocadéro, both Marinette and Alya shush Rose for being too loud)
Tikki: Why are they talking about flowers?
Luka: Sounds like some kind of code.
(Back with Juleka, she tries to carry the fake sign herself, but has difficulty lifting it)
Mylène: Uh oh! (catches up with Juleka to help her carry the sign) What's this big sign made of?
Marinette: Metal, like, you know, the type road signs are made of. Why?
Mylène: Couldn't you have made it out of cardboard or something? (notices Roger walking away) (to Juleka) Go and get the police officer.
(Juleka walks away to get Roger while Mylène struggles to carry the sign)
Marinette: Caution! The photo shoot of "Buttercup" will be over soon!
Alix: (groaning from the earpiece) Aw, seriously? Enough with the chit chat!
Tikki: Buttercup?
Luka: You don't think they... oh no.

Scene: Parisian streets. Juleka finds officer Roger, who is humming "La Marseillaise".

Roger: Huh? Oh, I know you! You're in the same class with my daughter!
Juleka: (mumbling due to her shyness) Hello, sir. The Parking sign, um, is....
Roger: Huh? Tell me about it. Those pigeons are such a nuisance.
Juleka: Huh?
(At the Trocadéro, Marinette and Alya are waiting for her)
Marinette: Come on, "Rose"! Do it now!
Rose: Okay! (signals the rickshaw driver, Théo Barbot, to start driving)
Alya: Not you, "Tulip"! The other "Rose"!
Rose: (gasps) No, wait! (starts to chase after Théo)
(Back to Mylène, who has just managed to hold up the sign)
Mylène: Come on, "Rose". You can do it!
(Meanwhile, Juleka begins to have confidence)
Juleka: (shouting at Roger) ILLEGALLY PARKED CAR!!!
Roger: Hmm?
Marinette: Yes!
(Juleka angrily points to the Agreste car)
Roger: Oh!
(Mylène tries to act nonchalant holding up the fake sign when she realizes that Juleka is pointing at it)
Roger: Thank you, young lady. (walks to the car)

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