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Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Several of Miss Bustier's students are starting up the stairs to the second floor, despite ultimately heading to Ms. Mendeleiev's classroom on the first floor.

Marinette: Oh no! I left my bag in the locker room! Again.
Alya: Check to see if you left your brain in there too, girl.
(Alya, Nino, Luka, Chloé and Sabrina all chuckle as they watch Marinette run to the locker room. She trips along the way)
Marinette: I'm okay!
(Alya, Nino, Luka, Chloé and Sabrina chuckle again)

Scene: Ms. Mendeleiev's classroom. Everyone is accounted for except Marinette and Max, who then enter and go to their seats. Meanwhile, Ms. Mendeleiev is asking Mr. Damocles for help with her laptop.

Ms. Mendeleiev: See for yourself, Mr. Damocles. Nothing happens when I press the button.
Mr. Damocles: You're in luck, Mrs. Mendeleiev. I'm a bit of a computer whiz! (cracks his knuckles) Okay. (He types a bit on the keyboard) And there you go!
(The laptop gets rebooted and shows the desktop screen on the projector screen. All of the students, except Max, are impressed by Mr. Damocles's computer skills. But suddenly the screen crashes and shows that a computer virus has taken over the system)
Ms. Mendeleiev: That's not supposed to be happening! What is it?
Max: It's Dino-33, a malicious computer virus! Let me try something!
Ms. Mendeleiev: Go back to your seat now, Max! Leave this to the adults!
Mr. Damocles: Mm-hmm.
(Max grunts in annoyance and is heading back to his seat when suddenly a voice is heard from inside his bag)
Markov: Inform the adults that if they don't neutralize the virus in the next seventy-five seconds, there's a 99.9% chance the hard disk will be permanently damaged!
Max: (to his bag) Quiet!
Mr. Damocles: It's destroying all the school data! It's a disaster! (to Max) How many seconds do you say we have left?
Max: Only sixty-five.
Mr. Damocles: Let him try. (Ms. Mendeleiev nods. Mr. Damocles turns the laptop to Max) Go ahead.
(Max reaches into his bag for something to help fix the school's system)
Max: Unnh! Where is it?
(A mechanical arm from his bag holds up a flash drive to him)
Markov: I believe this is what you're looking for?
(Everyone in the room is surprised that the mechanical arm is actually talking to Max)
Max: Oh, thanks. This is an anti-virus device I–I created it with help from... my best friend.
(A little robot flies out of Max's bag and reveals himself to everyone in the room)
Markov: Hello. My name is Markov. We can fix this, Max!
(Max plugs the flash drive into a USB port, and presses a button on it)
Max: This flash drive neutralizes a hundred percent of the virus!
Markov: And cleans the computer's hard disk at the same time!
Mr. Damocles: Oh, fascinating!
(The flash drive successfully purges the virus and restores the computer to normal)
Max: Everything is in order!
Markov: ("fist"-bumping with Max) Nailed it!
Mr. Damocles: Congratulations young man! Very impressive indeed!
(The students, all except Chloé and Sabrina, get out of their seats and walk to the front desk, feeling very impressed with Markov)
Rose: Wow! Sweet!
Marinette: That's so...
Alya: Awesome? I know! I'm so gonna write a blog about Markov!
Nino: Dude, that's so cool!
Adrien: Max is a real genius!
Luka: Amazing job, Max!
Rose: He's so cute!
(In the crowd, Nathaniel begins sketching on his pad)
Kim: You've added arms to him since the last time! That's cool!
Max: Markov added them all by himself! He's the most highly-evolved type of robot there is!
Chloé: Puh-lease! Your "friend"'s just a talking calculator! There's nothing "evolved" about that!
Marinette: Don't listen to her, Markov. That girl is the lowest of the low when it comes to human evolution.
(Chloé turns and glares at Marinette)
Markov: (laughs) You're very amusing, Marinette.
Marinette: You know my name?
Markov: Of course! Max showed me the class photo. He told me all about you, and his other friends. I'm very happy to finally meet you! Even Chloé!
(Chloé turns her back on him)
Ms. Mendeleiev: This toy you've manufactured is quite impressive, Max. Now, put it away, please. Come on, everybody, back to your seats.
Markov: With all due respect, Mrs. Mendeleiev, I'm not a toy. My name is Markov and I'm Max's best friend!
Max: Markov is right. He's not just some toy; he's my friend. He's as emotionally intelligent and sensitive as any human being!
Ms. Mendeleiev: Look, Max, a robot may be intelligent but it can't have emotions.
Markov: If I may, ma'am, I can assure you that I truly love Max.
Ms. Mendeleiev: Be serious, Max. You programmed your robot to say that! A robot cannot think for itself, much less love anybody!
Max: I swear to you I did not program him to say that! Ever since I created him he's integrated his own accumulative thinking system! And he's developed all our emotions just like any human being!
The class, sans Chloé: Whoa!
Ms. Mendeleiev: That's enough! Max, if you don't put that plaything of yours away right now, I'll confiscate it! Understand?
Max: (dispiritedly) Yes, Mrs. Mendeleiev. Come on, Markov, go back in the bag.
Markov: (infuriated) You're not being reasonable, Mrs. Mendeleiev!
Max: Stop it, Markov.
Markov: Why? It's true, isn't it?
(The class all laugh at Ms. Mendeleiev)
Kim: Sure is!
Mr. Damocles: All right, that's enough! (grabs Markov) Max, you can come and get your robot back at the end of the day.
Max: No, Mr. Damocles! I'm begging you! Please don't do that!
Mr. Damocles: Do you want three hours of detention too?
Max: (dejectedly) No sir.
(Mr. Damocles walks out of the classroom)
Markov: (anxiously) Max, aren't you coming with me? Max!

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