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Scene: Interior, Dupain-Cheng Residence, Sabine's bedroom. An alarm clock beeps as it struck at six in the morning. Sabine turns it off and steps out of her room with a towel rolled on her head. She flips the calendar to the 14th.

Sabine: Ah! Ding Ox, fire and yin. Not so great. Unless... (She arranges a flower vase) There. This should prevent negative energy from flowing in.
(She grabs her pen and book from the table beside her bed and heads to get the laundry basket before placing it at the bottom of the staircase)
Sabine: There!
(She turns on the television to play calming music, and starts meditating. As the music continues to play, she gracefully places her book on the table and a sponge on the floor. She puts a tea cup on the table, turns the water boiler and the stove on, organizes her painting materials, and makes a call on the phone)
Sabine: Dim Sum Delight? Yes, I'd like to make a reservation. For noon. Two people.
(She continues to prepare breakfast, eventually finishing her meditation. Marinette comes down the stairs yawning, but trips and falls. She tumbled down the stairs and lands in the laundry basket at the bottom)
Sabine: Morning, honey. Did you stay up all night doing homework again?
Marinette: (chuckles) Yeah, lots of homework, Mom.
(The news starts to be broadcasted)
Nadja Chamack: (on TV) Last night, Coccinelle and Chat Noir successfully prevented the explosion of a turbine of a cocoa shop factory, saving Paris from drowning in rotten chocolate.
Man on the TV: It's a bunch of lies! My chocolate turbine was perfectly clean!
Sabine: Will you start the laundry please, honey?

Scene: Inside the bakery. Sabine brings Tom a cup of coffee.

Sabine: Your coffee, my love.
Tom: Aww, thanks, my sweet honey bun. (He kisses her)

Scene: Back upstairs. Sabine checks Marinette's height, marking it on the wall with her pen.

Sabine: My, you've grown again!
(Marinette sits at the dining table and pours milk into her bowl, but she bumps her arm on the milk carton, causing it to spill on the floor)
Marinette: Ah! Sorry!
Sabine: It's alright, sweetie.
(She grabs the sponge off the floor, which has absorbed the spilled milk)
Marinette: (spots the magazine on the table) Oh, Mom! My shoes are getting too small. Do you think you could buy me a new pair?
Sabine: What a good idea, honey! Why don't you meet me right after my painting class?
Marinette: Oh! Let's get some dim sum for lunch before we go to the store!
Sabine: Of course!
Clara Contard: (on TV) We interrupt our regular newscast for a sentimonster alert. Lollipop Boy has just made a reappearance in the city square.

Scene: The Liberty. Luka sees the news report.

Clara Contard: (on TV) We interrupt our regular newscast for a sentimonster alert. Lollipop Boy has just made a reappearance in the city square.
Luka: We'd better get out there. Tikki, spots on!

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Sabine is running her painting class in the Art classroom.

Sabine: Chinese paintbrushes are very different from western paintbrushes.
(One student takes and eats a chouquette from the plate, the six students are shown stroking their paint brushes against their paper)
Sabine: They allow you to easily master the five shades of ink. Dry, concentrate, thick, clear, and diluted. (She walks over to Nadja Chamack and fixes her angle on the paintbrush) If you use them well, all these nuances can make up all the colors, texture, and light you need to represent the world.
(The tables shake and a loud thud occurs from outside the building. The class gets up to look out the window)

Scene: Outside Collège Françoise Dupont. Lollipop Boy walks past the building dragging Coccinelle, who's trying to hold onto him by wrapping his yo-yo around his waist.

Coccinelle: Chat Noir, use your staff to block his way!
Chat Noir: Got it M'Bug!
(Chat Noir spreads his staff to the ground to stop the lollipop sentimonster. The class watches as Lollipop Boy trips and falls to the ground)

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