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Scene: The Agreste mansion, in the crypt. Gabriel stands before Emilie's pod.

Gabriel: Emilie, my love, a cycle is coming to an end. In a matter of days, it will all be over — or rather, it will all start over again... (He clenches his hand, which is now entirely blackened by the Cataclysm) I swore to you that I would do everything to bring us together again. We're almost there.
(He covers his cataclysmed arm and walks away)
Emilie: (v.o.) When Gabriel has a vision, nothing can stop him. Not even the impossible. His passion...

Scene: The Agreste mansion, in Nathalie's room. Nathalie is watching Emilie's old video on the phone that was stored inside the vault.

Emilie: (in the video) ...sweeps everything away. He wanted so badly to make me happy but he pushed us too far. And when I realized that, I couldn't make him understand that...
(Gabriel climbs up the stairs)
Emilie: (v.o.) ...sometimes, you have to let go. Now it's too late for me. (She coughs)
(Gabriel glances at the half-opened door of Nathalie's room. He goes up to the door and eavesdrops on Nathalie listening to Emilie's video recording)
Emilie: (v.o.) But not for you, Nathalie. Adrien shouldn't have to suffer the consequences of our mistakes. Our little prince has the right to create his own vision of happiness.
(Gabriel scowls and leaves)
Emilie: (in the video) Please protect him. (She smiles bitterly)
(As the video comes to an end, Nathalie shares the same bitter smile that Emilie had in the video)

Split Scenes: Left, in the Agreste mansion, in Adrien's room; right, in the Liberty, in Luka's room. Adrien and Luka perform their morning routine simultaneously on call.

Adrien: Morning, Luka!
Luka: Morning, Adrien!
(Adrien grabs his necklace from Luka and Luka grabs his promise ring; they both head to their bathrooms. While brushing their teeth, they try talking, but only end up mumbling. They burst out laughing. As Luka eats breakfast, Adrien walks downstairs to the kitchen)
Adrien: See you later, Luka! (He hangs up)

Scene: The Agreste mansion, in the kitchen. Adrien sits down next to Nathalie.

Adrien: Good morning!
Gabriel: Just in time for breakfast! By the way, how did Mr. Couffaine take the news of your upcoming departure for London, Adrien?
(Adrien reacts with surprise)
Gabriel: You haven't told him yet, have you? I can understand it is indeed a little sad... but you know I'm doing this for your happiness.
Nathalie: Are you sure this is about his vision of happiness and not your own?
Gabriel: (becomes angry and starts rubbing his ring behind his back) I am his father, and I know what is best for him.
Adrien: You should've listened to Luka's advice, father. Your pancakes taste as bad as ever. (He moves his plate away) Have a nice day, Nathalie.
(He takes his bag and walks out as Gabriel furiously watches)

Scene: In front of the Agreste mansion.

Adrien: (to his bodyguard) If you don't mind, I'd rather walk. I need to take my mind off things.

Scene: Place des Vosges. Adrien walks to school despairingly. Plagg speaks to him from inside his shirt.

Plagg: You really put your father in his place! I can't wait to see his face when you tell him you're not going to London!
Adrien: I have no idea how to tell him that, Plagg.
Plagg: But you're going to tell him, right? You can't wait until you're gone to tell him you're not going.
Adrien: All I know is — whatever happens, Luka and I will last forever.
Plagg: Forever? Well, in the meantime, you only have a few days left!

Scene: In front of Collège Françoise Dupont. Adrien meets up with Luka.

Luka: Adrien!
Adrien: Luka!
(The couple go to kiss twice, but stop both times and start blushing while bursting out laughing. All their classmates are watching them on the school's staircase)
Rose: They're so cute!
Alya: For real, it's like they were made for each other!

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