Chat Blanc

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Scene: The Agreste Mansion's basement. Gabriel is visiting Emilie, who is still unconscious.

Gabriel: Emilie, I miss you every moment. But one day, I will get the Miraculous of Coccinelle and Chat Noir, repair the mistakes of the past, and make sure you return to us.

Scene: Outside Collège Françoise Dupont. Alix is navigating around some cones on her rollerskates.

Alya: Today's the day, I can feel it!
Alix: Bet you my skates she won't do it.
Rose: And I'll bet my favorite unicorn plush that she will!
Mylène: Oh, Marinette.
Alya, Rose, and Juleka: (look up) What? (They see Marinette) Aw...
Marinette: I was thinking maybe Adrien doesn't like berets, or what if he hates it when people celebrate his fifth name's day? Or... maybe he wouldn't want to know that I love him?
Alix: (sticks her hand out to Rose) Don't worry, Princess Twinkle Peach will be happy with me.
(Rose hands her unicorn plush to Alix)
Alya: The only way you'll know is to tell him how you really feel!
Marinette: I know, but... (She reaches for something in a picnic basket but Rose shuts it)
Rose: That's it, Marinette! No more picnics, sleepovers, or going to the movies with us until you give him that gift! You made that hat for Saint Athanasius Day, which is today! How is Adrien's supposed to know you're thinking of him on his fifth name's day if you don't give him your gift?
Alya: She's right. Today is the day!
All the girls except Marinette: Go, go, go, go, go, go!
Mylène: Rise and shine! Behold, the goddess of self-confidence has awakened!
(Marinette runs up the stairs as her friends are chanting)
Alya: And don't forget the card!

Scene: Subway tunnel. Marinette talks to herself.

Marinette: This is it, I'm really gonna do this. And you know what I won't take for an answer?

Scene: Outside the Agreste Mansion.

Nathalie: (through the camera speakers) No.
Marinette: Okay, well, um... Uh, when will he be back?
Nathalie: (through speakers) I can't tell you. Goodbye, young lady.
(The camera gets covered)
Marinette: (checking phone) But Adrien's fencing class ended 27 minutes ago! He should be back by now! Maybe I can give him his present tomorrow at school? (She sighs) No. I can't back out again. (She runs around the house) Since he's not back yet, I can go through the window!

Scene: The streets of Paris. Luka is out making deliveries, when he spots Marinette trying to sneak over the Agreste Mansion's wall.

Tikki: Is that Marinette?
Luka: Looks like it. And it looks like she's trying to break into Adrien's house again!
Tikki: Hasn't she already tried that once?
Luka: And succeeded another time. Usually I'd go against using our powers for personal reasons, but Adrien could be in serious danger! (He runs to a nearby alleyway) Tikki, spots on!

Scene: In the Agreste courtyard. Adrien's bodyguard drives in. Nathalie is standing at the doorway.

Nathalie: You're very late, Adrien.
Adrien: (holds the medal around his neck) The awards ceremony took longer than expected. Then we gave Kagami a ride home. (He enters the house, then turns around) Will you let my father know I won?
Nathalie: As soon as he's done with his work.

Scene: Outside the Agreste Mansion's wall. Marinette tries in vain to find a way over.

Marinette: (to herself) Oh, it's no use, I'll never make it over! (She thinks for a minute) I got it! (She takes a few steps back before hurling the present over the wall. It manages to make it through Adrien's open window, and lands in his room) Yes! I did it!
(Behind her, Coccinelle suddenly swings in)
Coccinelle: Hey!
Marinette: Eep!
Coccinelle: I've seen you before; Marinette right? Were you just attempting to climb over this wall?
Marinette: I- no! I would never, I-
Coccinelle: Breaking and Entering is a serious crime. If I were you, I'd leave now with a warning instead of sticking around to see what consequences criminals face.
Marinette: Y-yes, Coccinelle! (She turns and runs away)
Coccinelle: How could that girl possibly still think what she's doing is a good idea? (He sighs) Whatever, I'll deal with her later. Right now I'd better get that present back before Adrien sees it.
(Coccinelle swings to Adrien's window, only to find the blonde weeping on the floor. Plagg attempts to comfort him)
Plagg: Take some deep breaths, Adrien. We have no way of knowing for sure it was her.
Adrien: O-of course it was! W-who else w-would it be?
Plagg: It's ok, kid; just breathe. I'm here, don't worry.
(Noticing a shadow, Plagg looks up to the open window. Coccinelle stands there, looking heartbroken)
Coccinelle: Adrien...?
Plagg: Shoot...
(Coccinelle walks over to Adrien and bends down)
Coccinelle: Is he ok? What happened?
Plagg: It's this girl he knows. She straight up stalks him and won't leave him alone. Not too long ago she managed to sneak in, and only she could sneak a present into Adrien's room. Adrien has told her over and over again to leave him alone, but she just won't listen! He saw it lying here and just collapsed; it's a panic attack.
Coccinelle: (attempts to put a comforting hand on Adrien) Adrien? Are you alright?
(Adrien continues to cry and hyperventilate, not seeming to realize someone is talking to him)
Coccinelle: Adrien? Adrien, please! It's alright, but you need to calm down!
(Adrien continues to panic)
Coccinelle: Plagg, he's not answering!
Plagg: He's in shock; I don't know if we can do anything but let him get it out of his system!
Coccinelle: Oh, screw that! Spots off! (He destransforms into Luka) Adrien? Adrien?! It's me, Adrien; it's Luka! Please, look at me!
(Adrien suddenly seems to snap out of whatever trance he was in. He finally looks over to Luka)
Adrien: L-L-Luka? How did you- (He suddenly notices Tikki floating beside Plagg, and slowly puts the pieces together)
Luka: Adrien? Adrien, can you hear me? Are you alright?
(Adrien's eyes begin to fill with new tears. He launches himself into Luka's arms as he continues to cry)
Luka: Adrien?
Adrien: L-Luka... M'Bug... I- you-
Luka: Shhh... I'm here, Kitty. Just focus on your breathing...
(Adrien continues to sob as Luka holds him in his arms. Nearby, Plagg grabs some of his cheese and shares a piece with Tikki; he goes to Adrien, and lands on his shoulder, doing the best he can to be of comfort. Tikki joins him after she finishes her cheese. For several minutes, the four sit together, the only sound piercing the silence being Adrien's quiet sobs. Eventually, Adrien is able to calm down enough to talk)
Adrien: L-Luka?
Luka: Adrien?
Adrien: A-all this time... it's been you... I- I can't believe it!
Luka: I- I'm honestly kind of in shock too! I mean... to think that all this time...
Adrien: That it's always been us...
(Luka and Adrien look into each other's eyes. All they can see is love and compassion as they lean in, and their lips meet for the first time)
Adrien: Luka... I...
Luka: I know, Adrien... Me too...
(As they go in for another kiss, a portal suddenly opens next to them. Bunnyx walks in, looking panicked)
Luka: Bunnyx?
Bunnyx: Minibug, something happened today that caused a major disaster in the future. I'm not sure what it was or when it happened exactly, but- (She notices Adrien) Oh, that might have something to do with it.
Adrien: What happened, Bunnyx?
Bunnyx: (To Luka) In my burrow, now!
(She grabs his wrist and attempts to pull him into her time travel burrow, but Adrien grabs his other wrist)
Adrien: Wait! I'm coming too!
Bunnyx: No can do, Kitty Noir. It's already risky enough bringing one of you through to help fix this, let alone both of you.
Luka: But- but he can help!
Bunnyx: Sorry, Minibug; it's out of the question. Transform and meet me in the burrow.
(She walks through the portal, leaving the boys behind. Luka turns to Adrien)
Adrien: It's ok, go save the day, M'Bug.
Luka: Are you going to be ok while I'm gone?
Adrien: I'll be fine. Now go on, the world needs Coccinelle.
Luka: Spots on! (He transforms, and kisses Adrien on the cheek)
Coccinelle: I'll be back soon, Chaton.
Adrien: Ah, have I earned myself a new nickname, Bugaboo?
Coccinelle: (chuckles) We'll talk when I get back.
(Coccinelle spares one last look at Adrien before walking into the Burrow. The portal closes behind him, leaving a waving Adrien behind)
Plagg: (flies over) Well, well, it looks like the cat is out of the bag! So, got any plans for your new boyfriend?
Adrien: (laughs) Shut up, Plagg!

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