Simon Says

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Scene: TVi studio. "The Challenge" is on the air.

Alec: Welcome back to everyone's #1 live game show: The Challenge! Let's give it up for our awesome contestant, Nino!
(Adrien stands to the side of the stage, and playfully bumps Nino's shoulder to encourage him. Nino enters the stage.)
Alec: So Nino, you're a student and a DJ. That's pretty awesome! Check out the decks we got for you!
(Nino begins to mess with the DJ table.)
Alec: So, the challenge the viewers have chosen for you is... To get the mayor of Paris, André Bourgeois, to dance! Thank you for agreeing to play with us today, sir. What are Nino's chances tonight?
André: (On the screen) Zero. I despise dancing. The last time I set foot on a dance floor, Madonna was in kindergarten.
(Nino begins to DJ)

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair.

Hawk Moth: (His window opens) The Challenge... what an interesting concept. A TV show with such potential with negative emotions. Oh, the destructive mayhem we could cause...

Scene: TVi studio. Simon Grimault arrives and tries to shake Adrien's hand, but Adrien's bodyguard shields Adrien and stands protectively in front of him.

Adrien: (shocked) No! It's okay!

(Cut back to the stage. Nino is still DJing, while Mayor Bourgeois is shown on screen. He begins to slightly move to the music.)

Alec: Victory! Challenge conquered by Nino. You moved your head to the beat, Mayor Bourgeois! That counts as dancing!
André Bourgeois: (On the screen) What?! That's not true! My neck was... itching, that's all.
Alec: Relieving an itch to the beat counts as dancing, too! Nino, congratulations. You'll return in one week to meet your next challenge! And now, for our next contestant, welcome Simon Grimault!
(Nino leaves the stage, and he and Adrien share a fist bump.)
Adrien: Awesome, dude!
(Simon walks onto the stage.)
Alec: Mr. Grimault, you are a hypnotist. You use cards to hypnotize people to get what you want from them!
Simon: Well, yes, I'm a hypnotist. But, uh, I don't use my skills to get anything.
Alec: So, your challenge today, Simon, is to use your talents to bring a very elusive celebrity to this very TV set! Give it up for the king of fashion, Gabriel Agreste!
(Gabriel appears on screen.)
Gabriel: What is this show? I was told this was an interview.
Nino: (To Adrien) Dude, your dad!
Alec: Do your thing, Grimault, let's see if you can bring Mr. Agreste here with your hypnotic persuasion!
Simon: I told you, I don't make people--
Alec: Ha! A shy hypnotist! How funny is that, Gabriel?
Gabriel: Hilarious. Your show is pathetic. And so is your contestant. Control me? Never. (He ends the transmission.)
Alec: Huh?
Adrien: That's my dad, all right.
Alec: Looks like Mr. Agreste has turned down your challenge. Game over!
Simon: But... that's not fair! I didn't even get time to... (He's lead off the stage and pushed out the studio doors. He drops his deck of cards in despair.)

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair.

Hawk Moth: Yes. Humiliation and anger. The perfect elements for transforming a loser into a winner. (turns a butterfly into an akuma) Fly away, my little akuma, and evilize him!

Scene: Back in the TVi Studio. Simon is picking up the cards he dropped. The akuma flies and infects one of Simon's cards.

Hawk Moth: I am Hawk Moth. You are now Simon Says. I will help you be the most powerful hypnotist ever. You will help me in return when the time's right. So, do we have a deal, Simon Says?
Simon: Simon says yes. (He turns into Simon Says and goes inside the studio)
Simon Says: Simon says the show is not over!
Alec: What on earth?!
Simon Says: (picks a card) Silence! Simon says you're lame! As lame as a duck!
(He throws the duck card at Alec, who starts acting like a duck. The Gorilla tries to stop him.)
Simon Says: Simon says stop! (He throws a card with a pause sign at the Gorilla and freezes him.) Simon says you are a gorilla! (He throws the gorilla card at him and he starts acting like a gorilla)
(Adrien and Nino gasp. Adrien runs to hide behind the door to transform into Chat Noir offscreen.)

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