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Scene: Adrien's room. Adrien wakes up and starts getting ready for school. He repeats Luka's name to himself three times while waking up, brushing his teeth, and standing in the door of the bathroom. A drawing of Luka's face with a heart next to it is also visible in the steam on the bathroom mirror.

Plagg: And you say you're not lovesick.
Adrien: Oh, stop it!
(He leaves the room, after which his alarm clock starts going off)

Scene: The kitchen in the Agreste mansion. Adrien walks in whistling. Gabriel is preparing pancakes for breakfast.

Gabriel: How nice to see you so cheerful in the morning, Adrien. Bananas on your pancakes?
Adrien: Yes, father, uh― thank you... dad.

Scene: Back in Adrien's room, his alarm clock continues to ring. Nathalie walks in.

Nathalie: Adrien, you're going to be late.
(She turns off the alarm clock and gasps, noticing Adrien isn't there)
Nathalie: Adrien!
(Nathalie runs downstairs and into the kitchen, where she sees Gabriel still cooking and Adrien staring unhappily at the banana on his fork)
Nathalie: Gabriel, if you spent more time with your son, you would've known he prefers his pancakes plain.
Gabriel: Adrien, if you didn't want bananas, you could've told me.
Adrien: No, no, I... I like them. I was just lost in thought. I was thinking of-
Nathalie: Adrien, don't force yourself to eat them to please your father.
Adrien: It's not that, it's just―
Gabriel: Nathalie, leave Adrien to his pancakes and let me know how you want yours instead.
Nathalie: Mine?
Gabriel: Your pancakes. Why don't you come and sit down, so that we can all have breakfast together. Right, Adrien?
Adrien: (looks at Nathalie's left hand and notices the ring that Gabriel gave her back in "Risk") Yeah... like a family.
Nathalie: For Adrien, I will eat even your pancakes, sir. (She sits down)
Gabriel: Since we're family, you can call me "Gabriel".
Nathalie: (angrily) How about "Gabe" while we're at it?
(An awkward silence ensues. Nathalie and Gabriel's Alliance rings start playing a notification sound)
Nathalie and Gabriel: Adrien, it's time to― (The two glare at each other irritatedly)
Gabriel: To go to school.
Nathalie: Right. To go to school.
Adrien: (looks at the two, laughs, then remembers) My schoolbag! I forgot to pack my schoolbag!
(Adrien runs to the door, but stops and looks behind at Gabriel and Nathalie. They stand together, and Gabriel puts his hand on Nathalie's shoulder. Adrien blushes while he smiles at them, and runs off)
Nathalie: (grabs Gabriel's hand, twists it behind his back and pushes him onto the table) Don't ever do that again! I came to this house to hunt magical artifacts for you and Emilie. I became your bodyguard, your right hand woman, your friend, and even more. But this is all over. You used to do this out of love for Emilie, but now, you're only doing it out of madness, and the only reason I'm still here is to protect Adrien from you!
Gabriel: But everything I do is for Adrien's happiness.
Nathalie: The only thing Adrien needs in order to be happy is his father. (She releases Gabriel) You'll never bring Emilie back and it's time to accept that. She accepted it herself!
Gabriel: No!
Nathalie: Stop kidding yourself. You saw the recordings she left just as I did.
Gabriel: Emilie always deserved more than what she wanted. That's why I made you destroy the recordings, I... I couldn't bear them. It's too late anyway. (He pulls down his left sleeve, revealing the damage on his hand caused by Cataclysm) I can't give up now.
Nathalie: No!
Gabriel: If you don't help me make the wish come true, I won't be able to save myself. I won't be able to save you, either. (Nathalie stares at him in horror) If we don't do something, Adrien will be left... all alone.

Scene: Adrien's room. He packs his bag for school.

Adrien: Did you see the ring Nathalie is wearing? I'm glad she and my dad are getting along so well. (He gasps) A ring! I should give Luka a ring!
Plagg: Oh, don't tell me you're gonna propose to him.
Adrien: (laughs) Even if I was, we wouldn't be able to get married; we're still kids.
Plagg: So what's the point then?
Adrien: It's a promise. A symbol of what's to come.
Plagg: So how will you do it?
Adrien: Hmm... I don't know. I guess I need some advice.

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