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Scene: On the rooftops. Coccinelle and Chat Noir share a victory fist bump.

Coccinelle and Chat Noir: Pound it!
Chat Noir: Job well done, M'Bug. We really make an amazing team.
Coccinelle: Such a successful mission calls for a celebration, right? (He winks)
Chat Noir: We're about to transform back. How about a date at the movies?
Luka: Sounds perfect. Let's go!
(They take off, looking for a place to detransform)

Scene: In an alleyway. Coccinelle and Chat Noir are about to de-transform.

Chat Noir: Claws—
Coccinelle: Spots—
(Suddenly, fans swarm them, catching them off guard)
Parisian: Chat Noir! Coccinelle! Can I get a selfie with you?
Chat Noir: (nervously) Y-Yeah, of course.
(A fangirl takes a photo with Chat Noir, kissing him on his cheek)
Chat Noir: We have to go now—
Parisian: Hey, guys! They're here!
(More fans swarm in the alleyway and try to take pictures with them)
Coccinelle: Sorry, gotta run!
(The heroes flee)

Scene: On the rooftops. Chat Noir and Coccinelle detransform.

Adrien: Phew! That was close! (He feeds Plagg a piece of camembert)
Luka: Way too close! (He feeds Tikki a cookie)
Plagg: Tell me about it. I almost starved to death!
(They all laugh)
Adrien: Come on, let's head to the movies.

Scene: Streets of Paris. Luka and Adrien walk hand in hand down the street. Suddenly, a fan of Adrien's approaches them.

Parisian: Hey, I know you! You're the Alliance guy! Could I take a picture with you? (He takes a photo with Adrien) I've always wanted a selfie with my personal assistant! Awesome! My friends are gonna flip out when they see this! Please, Alliance, post this picture on all my social media accounts!
Adrien: No, please don't do—
(The Parisian happily walks away)
Luka: Does that happen a lot?
Adrien: More than you'd think. And it's been happening a lot more since the Alliance came out.
Luka: Well, let's not let it ruin things. Let's get going to-
Wayhem: (from a distance) Hey, I told you so! It's Adrien! I recognized the place in the post!
(Fans begin to swarm Adrien and Luka)
Adrien: No, not again!
Luka: Come on!
(The two run and escape to hide behind a pillar)
Coccinelle: I think we need to get out of here!
Adrien: Plagg, claws out! (He transforms into Chat Noir)
Coccinelle: Tikki, spots on! (He transforms into Coccinelle.

Scene: Paris rooftops. Coccinelle and Chat Noir escape Adrien's fans by jumping to the rooftops.

Coccinelle: Phew! That was close!
Chat Noir: Way too close! Well, there goes our plans for the movies; everything's probably started by now.
Coccinelle: How about we take a rain check on the movie and go get some ice cream instead?
Chat Noir: That sounds great! But what if a bunch of fans swarm us again?
Coccinelle: Hmm... I have an idea; Spots off! (He detransforms)
Chat Noir: What are you up to, M'Bug?
Luka: We can go like this! That way, your fans won't swarm you, and Coccinelle and Chat Noir fans won't freak out because both of us are there together!
Chat Noir: I like the way you think, Bugaboo. (He leans closer) So, how about we go for a ride under the stars?
Luka: Sounds romantic.
Chat Noir: Hold on tight. (He pulls Luka closer to him and takes out his baton. He extends it into the air, lifting them both up)

Scene: Above Paris. Chat Noir stands on his baton, carrying Luka as they try to find André.

Chat Noir: I don't see him. He's gotta be here somewhere.
Luka: I know how to find him! Max developed an app especially for locating him... (He zooms in on the map on his phone) And voilà! André the Ice Cream man is in the Île aux Cygnes!
Chat Noir: Hold on tight, babe!

Scene: Île aux Cygnes. Luka and Chat Noir land safely on the ground. André is heard singing his trademark ice cream song.

André: ♫ My name is André! André! Glacé! The sweetheart matchmaker! With one scoop or two, I'll find love for you! ♫
(Luka and Chat Noir dance their way to André's ice cream cart)
André: Luka and Chat Noir! What are you two doing here?
Chat Noir: We're here for ice cream, of course! Unless you're selling hotdogs now.
(He and Luka share a laugh together)
André: Hahah! That's-a good one, Chat Noir! But I make sweethearts' ice cream, not "jokers' and good friends'" ice cream. Look, who do you see there next to Jean and Serge? (He points at one of the photos on his cart) Coccinelle and Chat Noir! Their flavor is one of my classics! Love is not something you joke about. You, Chat Noir, are in love with-a Coccinelle, and you, Luka, are in love with Adrien Agreste.
Chat Noir: Oh, uhh...
Luka: Thanks anyway, André. We'll see you later.
(André watches the two sadly walk away)

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