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Scene: Le Grand Paris.

André: My good old friend Bob. How wonderful to see you. And you've brought little Xavier-Yves with you, too. (He pinches XY's cheek)
XY: (pushes André's hand away) Uh, my peeps call me XY, if you don't mind, Mr. Mayor. Xavier-Yves is way too-
André: XY! Of course! The famous DJ XY! (He sits XY and Bob down) It's an honor for the palace to receive such a fantastic artist and his father.
Bob: Does that mean dinner's on the house, then?
André: Uh...uh...
Bob: (laughs) I'm joking.
André: (laughs) You're too much, Bob. Always the comedian. Enjoy your meal. Bon appetit! (He walks away)
Bob: I tried. Okay, we need to talk about this special TV appearance you're going to be making. You know, this'll be a major promotional event for you. You got any new material to premiere? New ideas?
XY: 'Course not, Dad. You know I never have any ideas. (He and Bob laugh)
Bob: So let me hear what you've ripped- er, what you've come up with this year.
(Bob listens to XY play his song on a laptop, but then signals for him to stop)
Bob: Isn't it a bit similar to what you were doing last year?
XY: (plays last year's song) Oh, yeah. Guess I ripped off my own music. (He and Bob laugh again)
Bob: Never mind. No one will know the difference anyway. Image is key. What kind of visuals you got going? Any concepts?
XY: Any what?
Bob: Forget it. I'll use the same plan that's made me the rich man I am today. If you're short on great ideas, borrow someone else's. (He and XY laugh so hard that other guests begin staring at them)

Scene: Outside Collège Françoise Dupont. Adrien, Luka, Rose, Juleka, and Ivan listen to an announcement made by Bob Roth through Luka's phone.

Bob: We're looking for new talent. Stunning musical and visual skills are a must. With a brand new style that everyone will die for. You have two weeks to send in your videos.
Adrien: It's a perfect opportunity to showcase Kitty Section.
Rose: I can ask Marinette if she can design costumes for us!
(Adrien and Luka frown at the mention of Marinette)
Adrien: If we all pitch in, two weeks is more than enough time to make an awesome video. Everyone in?
Rose: Here we go!
Everyone: Kitty Section!

Scene: Couffaine houseboat. While the band performs, Adrien records them. A scene of Marinette giving the finished costumes to Rose is shown. Rose gestures for Marinette to come along, but she sadly refuses.

(Once the video is completed, the band sends it to Bob and they all hug. Some time later, there is another rehearsal)
Rose: ♫You know I love unicorns
And that they make me feel better!
I see their faces everywhere I go
Dreaming about them at the nights!

You know I love unicorns
And that they make me feel better!

I only want them to be mine, mine, mine.
Dreaming about them at the nights!
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!!

You know I love unicorns
And nothing makes me feel better! ♫

Luka: Wow! This is so awesome! We're so in the moment. The song's fun and totally sincere. (He approaches Adrien, who is anxiously looking at her phone) Hey, Adrien. Still no news about the contest?
Adrien: Maybe they didn't like our song?
Luka: They must've received a ton of videos. They probably haven't made their pick yet.
Adrien: You're probably right. I guess I'm just nervous; this is the first time I've been a part of something not related to my father's brand.
Luka: Don't worry, Adrien. I'm sure everything will go fine.
(The two fall into a silence)
Luka: So... how are you feeling about Marinette being the one making the costumes? I know her being involved is less than ideal.
Adrien: Well... I guess I'm ok. The others don't know about what she did, and it's not my choice whether they're friends with her or not...
Luka: Don't worry, we'll make sure she doesn't get too involved. Besides, she knows she's not welcome here anymore; hopefully she'll keep her distance.
Adrien: I sure hope so...
(Suddenly, Ivan calls out from across the room)
Ivan: Uh, oh. You better take a look at this, guys.
(Everyone looks outside the boat window and sees the TVi studio where XY is performing Kitty Section's song and wearing a cardboard version of their costumes)
XY: ♫ ...cause I love my unicorn, and fluffy blue bunnies, too! ♫
Alec: Wow! Lovin' the new look, XY! You've really outdone yourself this time. How did you come up with a style that's so... original?
XY: (points at his head) It's all in here.
Ivan: But that's our original style!
Rose: And Marinette's costumes!
Adrien: (to Luka) That's your melody. (to Rose) It's your music. That's not fair! That should be you guys up there on TV. There better be a good explanation. We have to have it out with Bob Roth and XY.

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