Despair Bear

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Scene: Miss Bustier's classroom. Tom Dupain is teaching Marinette and her class how to make pastries.

Tom: I'll let you in on a little secret. I always add cream to the chocolate to make the ganache extra velvety. Then I let it infuse for one minute.
Alya: (Whispering to Marinette) I love it when your dad comes to class and gives us pastry lessons!
Marinette: (She chuckles) So does he!
Chloé: Urgh! Do they seriously think I'm going to get my hands dirty, cooking like some maid? If I want a croissant, I'd just make my butler get it for me.
Rose: He's not making croissants, Chloé. Those are macarons!
Tom: It's all done with a flick of the wrist. But you mustn't go too fast or you might splash yourself!
Chloé: And soil my Chenal pants? Who's he kidding?
Tom: Look at this lovely emulsion.
(Everyone is amazed)
Rose: It's beautiful!
(Marinette watches Chloé as she dials someone on her phone and starts whispering)
Tom: Now we need to chill it for half an hour. Marinette?
Marinette: (She gasps as her dad calls her name) Yes, dad?
Tom: Could you put this in the school cafeteria fridge for me, please? In the meantime, I'm going to show your friends how to whip up egg whites!
Marinette: Of course!
(Marinette starts walking out the classroom, and gasps after hearing an alarm go off.)
Miss Bustier: Quietly, students. Single file line, please. Just keep moving.
(The students in the school all leave consecutively and Chloé glares at Marinette.)
Student: Excuse me.
Tom: I hope it's only a fire drill.
(Marinette groans)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Mr. Damocles is explaining the false situation to the students.

Mr. Damocles: So, some smart aleck had the bright idea of calling the fire department. (The students gasp, shocked) Somebody amongst us thought it would be funny to waste the fire captain's valuable time.
Fireman: Yes, in fact, if you wouldn't mind I...
Mr. Damocles: Hold on! I want the guilty party to apologize to you.
Marinette: (Whispering to Alya) I'm sure it was Chloé. I saw her on her phone right before the alarm went off!
Alya: You seeing her make a phone call isn't solid proof.
(Marinette sighs)
Chloé: Mr. Damocles, sir?
Mr. Damocles: Yes, Miss Bourgeois?
Chloé: I saw a student leaving the classroom right before the alarm went off. It must have been her.
Mr. Damocles Really? Who was it?
Chloé: Let's see if she'll come clean. What do you say, Marinette Dupain-Cheng? (The students gasp in shock)
Mr. Damocles: Marinette, do you have something to tell the firefighter captain?
Adrien: Urgh, wait. Excuse me, sir! It couldn't possibly be Marinette.
Luka: He's right. Why would she disrupt her own father's cooking class?
Alya: And I know for a fact that Marinette didn't even have her phone on her when she went out of the classroom.
Fireman: Mr. Damocles, I must be heading out.
Mr. Damocles: Just one more second. We're very close to discovering the truth.
(The fireman sighs)
Chloé: Oh well, we all know it can't be me!
Marinette: I'm not gonna let her get away with this. I've gotta tell...
Luka: Hang on, Marinette.
Adrien: We don't know for sure it was her.
Alya: He's right. Let's not stoop to her level.
(Chloé snickers)
Fireman: I really have to leave now. Just call me if you find out who the prankster is. (He turns to leave, but Mr. Damocles stops him)
Mr. Damocles: Fine. Since no one is owning up, the whole school will be punished. (The fireman and the students sigh in disappointment)
Chloé: What?! I'm not so sure my father will react kindly to me being punished without any proof! (She gets out her phone, preparing to call her dad)
Mr. Damocles: (Scared) Oh, no! Please, don't disrupt the busy mayor. (He coughs) The whole school is punished- except for Miss Bourgeois! (The students are chatting amongst themselves)
Chloé: That's more like it.
Mr. Damocles: Now you know how we deal with anyone who misuses the fire department's time.
Fireman: Okay, great! Bye! (The fireman leaves whilst the students and Mr Damocles disperse, apart from Chloé and Sabrina who stay still)
Luka: You think Marinette's right about Chloé being the one who called the fire department?
Adrien: I'd like to say no, but... it sounds like something she might do... I just hope I'm wrong...

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