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Scene: Miss Bustier's classroom. Ms. Bustier is teaching the class.

Ms. Bustier: In 1670, Molière was commissioned by King Louis the 14th, nicknamed the Sun King, to write a play that was meant to ridicule a certain ambassador-
(Plagg flies down to Ms. Mendeleiev's classroom by going through the floor. Tikki sees Plagg and flies down as well)
Tikki: Plagg, you promised me you wouldn't go back there!
Plagg: Sorry, Sugarcube, but I can't resist such irresistible beauty! Here it sits everyday beckoning me with its gooey lusciousness. And every time I eat it, it just pops right back up the very next day! (He starts eating the cheese)
Tikki: Don't you think it's strange that this gross, stinky thing just reappears in the same spot day after day?
Plagg: That's precisely why I call it the magic cheese!
(Ms. Mendeleiev pops up from underneath the teachers' desk, and traps Tikki and Plagg inside a net)
Tikki: Yargh!
Ms. Mendeleiev: Ah, I've got you at last, strange creatures.
(Tikki pulls Plagg away from the cheese and phases through the net as they begin to fly away)
Tikki: This is exactly why you should always listen to me! Let's get out of here!
(Ms. Mendeleiev barely misses them with the net, which gets stuck on a faucet, causing her to trip)
Ms. Mendeleiev: Ugh! And they speak too?!
(Tikki phases through a wall, but Plagg lets go of her)
Plagg: I can't! (Tikki comes back) It's impossible to abandon such a creamy, cozy Reblochon!
Tikki: (dodges Ms. Mendeleiev's swipes) Plagg!

Scene: Ms. Bustier's classroom. The students can hear banging coming from Ms. Mendeleiv's classroom.

Class: Huh? Hey? What is going on?
Ms. Bustier: (claps to get the class' attention) Stay focused on Molière and his plays.

Scene: Ms. Mendeleiev's classroom. Ms. Mendeleiev continues her pursuit of the kwamis. Plagg has finished the entire cheese, so both kwamis leave the classroom.

Ms. Mendeleiev: (gets up) Ugh, go ahead and run away. I have proof of my great scientific discovery! (She looks up at a camera recording from the corner of the room)

Scene: Miss Bustier's class. The kwamis return the their respective owner's bags. The bell rings and everyone leaves the classroom.

Scene: Luka's room. It's late and Luka plays his guitar. Tikki flies over to him, and he stops.

Tikki: You don't want me to hear your secret song, Luka?
Luka: (sets his guitar aside) Don't worry, it's just not finished yet; I don't have any secrets from you, Tikki. You're the only one I can discuss my double life with. Even my mom or Juleka don't know me as well as you do. I'm so happy to have you, Tikki. You're the only being I can really be myself with, without ever having to lie.
Tikki: I'm really happy to have you too.

Luka: Good night, Tikki.
Tikki: Good night, Luka.
(As soon as Luka closes his eyes, Tikki opens hers. Having made sure Luka is asleep, she floats to the deck of the ship, where Plagg is sitting)
Tikki: Plagg, we must tell our owners or Master Fu the truth about what happened today.
Plagg: Chill out, Sugarcube. Don't forget that nobody can capture or record us.
Tikki: I know that, but we were actually seen by a human. And at school, too! That could jeopardize our owners' secret identities.
Plagg: Aaw, okay, I promise you I won't eat any more magic cheese ever again. And really, what's the worst that could happen anyway?

Scene: Ms. Mendeleiev's classroom. Alya raises her hand and stands up.

Alya: Mr. Damocles, can you confirm rumors that Ms. Mendeleiev isn't here today, because she'll be appearing on the Alternative Truth TV show?
Kim: Where everything isn't always true, but nothing's really false!
Mr. Damocles: (shakes head and pinches nose) It is indeed quite possible that Ms. Mendeleiv has made a scientific discovery of utmost importance.
Juleka, Mylène, Nino, Ivan, and Kim: Can we watch the show, please, dude?
(Tikki and Plagg share worried looks)
Alix: (facepalms) Ugh, my brother is one of the guests, too...

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