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Scene: Luka, as Coccinelle, enters his room through the window.

Nadja: (giving a news report on Luka's computer.) Coccinelle and Chat Noir have saved Paris yet again. Yesterday, Mr. Bourgeois was re-elected as mayor of Paris for the fourth consecutive term. Here we see Mr. Bourgeois with his daughter.
Luka: Chloé's acting as if she were the mayor of Paris. Oh! Which reminds me, Class Representative Elections are tomorrow!
Tikki: What's so bad about that?
Luka: Chloé is running for class rep, and call me crazy, but I don't think she'd be the best fit for the job.
Tikki: Well then, maybe you should run!
Luka: Oh, I could never do that; I'm not much of a people person. Besides, I've got enough to do with my duties as Coccinelle and all my school work anyway.
Tikki: Yes, but, if you truly believe in something, you have to try and make it work. Maybe you could try and help someone else!
Luka: Maybe...
Nadja: (From computer.) Armand D'Argencourt, one of Bourgeois's opponents, and fencing instructor of Françoise Dupont High School, was pummeled in the polls. In fact, D'Argencourt acquired the least number of votes in Paris History.
(Luka looks at the clock on the computer)
Luka: Come on, Tikki, we don't want to be late for school.
(He grabs his bag and closes the computer as Tikki flies into his jacket)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Ms. Bustier is talking about the election.

Miss Bustier: Chloé is running for the class representative position and Sabrina will be her deputy. Do we have any other candidates?
(Kim raises his hand but Chloé and Sabrina glare at him.)
Chloé and Sabrina: Hm!
Miss Bustier: Yes, Kim?
Kim: Um, er... nothing.
(Marinette enters the classroom.)
Marinette: Hi! I'm sorry! I-uh, I-uh, the bus, (Marinette starts coughing), dry throat! (She goes to her seat.)
Alya: Chloé's running again! You told me she's been class rep since when? Kindergarten?
Marinette: Oh! Why don't you run as a candidate? You'd make an awesome representative!
Alya: No can do. My blog is a full-time job!
Miss Bustier: Alright, I'll give all of you till the end of lunch to decide if you'd like to be a candidate.

Scene: Court. Chloé talks to the other students about the election.

Marinette: (to Kim) So what did Chloé say to you this time? She offer to go on a date with you?
Kim: No, she threatened to tell everyone I'm afraid of spiders.
Rose: She told me that if I ran for the election, I'd get kicked out of the scrapbooking club, and you know how much I love all those stickers, colorful scraps of papers, and gluing!
Alix: I couldn't care less about being a candidate, and what's your excuse?
Marinette: Well, uh, um, I'm... really busy!
Alya: With what? Oversleeping?
Marinette: No! Well, maybe. Designing isn't easy! But, uh, well, I guess I would run if no one else did.
Luka: I think you should do it, Marinette. You're always trying to help people, and you'd make a great leader.
Marinette: Thanks, Luka. Maybe I will...

Scene: Classroom. Miss Bustier talks about the election.

Miss Bustier: So, any new candidates who would like to run against Chloé and Sabrina?
(Luka looks around, looking at Kim and Rose, the latter of whom squeaks.)
Miss Bustier: Given that Chloé and Sabrina are the only candidates, there's no point in voting. So, Chloé and Sabrina...
(Chloé and Sabrina sigh in satisfaction)
Luka: (whispering) Marinette, now's your chance!
Marinette: (panics at the last minute and raises her hand) I'll run!
(Everyone except Chloé and Sabrina look at her excitedly)
Luka: Alright, Marinette!
Miss Bustier: (surprised) Wonderful! You'll need to develop your campaign and have a speech ready by tomorrow. We'll have the vote then.

Scene: Court. The students are talking about Marinette running for class rep.

Alya: So, let's hear the scoop on your campaign! How are you gonna represent?
Marinette: Represent? Uh, I have no idea. I still can't believe I raised my hand...
Luka: Don't worry, I'm sure you'll come up with something.
(Rose, Juleka, Ivan, and Nino come over to them, enthusiastic)
Rose: Way to go, Marinette! You spoke from the heart, it was truly authentic! (she giggles)
Marinette: Huh? Oh, uh... Thanks.
Rose: When you win, can we get more comfortable chairs? They're so hard, I can barely concentrate in class. (she gasps in delight) Maybe pink ones!
Nino: And it'd be primo if we could listen to our beats while we study in the library.
Juleka: Uh, you know... um, I don't-, you know.
Marinette: Um... (Chuckles) Sure, Juleka.
Alya: (sees Adrien coming down the stairs nearby) Adrien! Marinette can count on your votes, right?
Adrien: Sure, depending on her speech.
Marinette: (stares at Adrien) Better get cracking on that campaign. (Alya nuzzles her head)
Luka: Would you like any help?
Marinette: Thanks, but this is something I should do myself.
Chloé: (from afar) I've watched how my daddy wins every election, and I'm going to follow in his footsteps. I know just how to win!
Sabrina: By having the best campaign?
Chloé: Ha! Whatever! The secret to winning in politics is ruining your opponent's reputation!

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