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Scene: At the Stadium. Chat Noir and Carapace are keeping four dinosaurs in Carapace's Shell-ter while waiting for Coccinelle.

Carapace: Hey, do you think T-Rexes eat a lot?
Chat Noir: Well, we're about to find out unless Coccinelle gets back real soon!
(Coccinelle shows up, along with Anne-Jeanne Théoxanne du Bocquale)
Coccinelle: Yeah, it's all good! We found the dino call!
Anne-Jeanne: (chuckles) It rolled under my cyclotron.
(One of the dinosaurs breaks Carapace's protective shield. Anne-Jeanne blows her dino call, which stops the dinosaurs)
Anne-Jeanne: Oh, yes! (She rubs one of the T-Rex's bellies) Who's a good little T-Rex? You are! Coochie-coochie-coochie-coochie-coo!!
(Coccinelle notices Carapace is sad)
Coccinelle: Everything okay, Carapace?
Carapace: Oh, yeah! Yeah, yeah.
Carapace, Coccinelle and Chat Noir: Pound it!
Coccinelle: Good luck with your T-rexes, Mrs. du Bocquale!
(The heroes leap away)
Anne-Jeanne: Bye! (She waves) Maybe it wasn't the best idea to bring you dinosaurs back to life. What am I gonna do with you guys now? You're gonna eat my entire food budget.
(From above, Bob Roth yells down from a helicopter)
Bob Roth: I'll buy them from you! I'll put them on an island and turn it into a theme park! I'll be rich! (He laughs)

Scene: Paris Rooftops. Carapace is going to a safe place with Coccinelle and Chat Noir to hand-over the Miraculous. Agent Foxglove is hiding nearby, observing.

Carapace: Shell off! (He detransforms)
(Nino Lahiffe hands over the Turtle Miraculous)
Coccinelle: Thanks! (He notices Nino is still upset) Something's wrong, isn't it?
Nino: Well, uh... well, why wasn't Alya- I mean, Rena Rouge, here today?
Coccinelle: Oh, we just didn't need her for today.
Chat Noir: You, however, rocked it! Way to go!
Nino: I did?
Coccinelle: Definitely. Bug out!
(The heroes leave, but Nino still feels upset)

Scene: Sewers. Coccinelle and Chat Noir open the lid and go down while Agent Foxglove hides behind a wall.

Coccinelle: We weren't followed? No sign of Shadow Moth's traps?
Agent Foxglove: Nothing to report.
Coccinelle: Perfect!
Chat Noir: See you guys later! (He runs off down the sewer)
Coccinelle: Spots off! (He de-transforms into Luka)
Agent Foxglove: (simultaneously) Let's rest! (She de-transforms into Juleka)
(Luka goes to climb out of the sewer, but pauses)
Luka: So? Are we just gonna ignore it?
Juleka: What?
Luka: Your costume; it changed!
Juleka: Oh, that! I didn't even do it on purpose; it just automatically adapted to my new role. I think it'll come in handy for my stealth.
Luka: That's good; everyone has to believe that you can never use the Fox Miraculous again. That way, you can be our spy without anyone suspecting. But for the plan to work, no one can know about it. And no one means no one; including Rose. She doesn't know anything, right?
Juleka: Not a thing.
(They fist bump before heading up the ladder and out of the sewers)

Scene: Luka and Juleka's room. The twins are relaxing, but Luka notices Juleka looking worried.

Luka: You alright, sis?
Juleka: Huh? Oh- y-yeah, I'm fine...
Luka: Jules, come on; I know you. What's wrong?
Juleka: Nothing's wrong, it's just... It's getting harder and harder for me to keep things from Rose...
Luka: It was terrible trying to keep things hidden from you, so I know how you feel. But we don't have a choice; it's for her own safety.
Juleka: I know. Don't worry, I'll manage; I won't tell her anything.
Luka: Thanks, sis.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, outside. Luka, Adrien, Juleka, Rose, Nino, and Alya all walk together as they leave for the day. Luka and Juleka whisper to each other.

Luka: You still up for patrol later?
Juleka: Yeah, of course. This full time superhero stuff is exhausting, though.
Luka: Welcome to my world, sis.
(The group reach the bottom of the stairs, where Adrien's car waits. He gives Luka a kiss on the cheek and does his secret handshake with Nino before waving goodbye and getting in the car)
Nino: Hey! Since we got out early today, what do you say we catch a movie?
Alya: Great idea, Nino. You guys in?
Rose: Of course; It'll be fun! Right, Juleka?
Juleka: Um... (She looks at Luka)
Luka: You guys go ahead, I have some stuff I have to take care of.
Nino: If you say so dude, see you later.
Rose: Have fun, Luka! So, what's playing today?
Alya: Only one way to find out! (She grabs Nino and starts running) Come on!
Nino: Alya! Slow down!
(Rose grabs Juleka's hand and starts running after them. As they run, Juleka looks back at Luka with a thankful expression. Luka smiles after them before leaving)

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