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Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Luka and Kagami arrive at the school on Luka's bike. Adrien waits at the entrance.

Kagami: (gives back the helmet) Thanks, Luka. (She walks to the school entrance to join Adrien)
Luka: Enjoy training! (He waves and blows a kiss to Adrien)
Kagami: Sorry, I'm late, Adrien.
(Adrien keeps waving at Luka with a lovesick smile, which Kagami notices after joining him. Luka waves back one last time and proceeds to ride away on his bike)
Adrien: (continues to wave his hand, enthralled) Why did Luka take off that fast?
Kagami: Because he doesn't take fencing class with us?
(Adrien frowns at Kagami's remark)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, in the locker room. Kagami has finished changing into her fencing uniform and sees Adrien, who is taking a look at one of her art pieces — a beautiful watercolor art of Luka.

Kagami: Like what you're seeing?
(Adrien gets cut off from his enamored trance)
Adrien: Huh? W-What? Who?
Kagami: My watercolor. Do you like it?
Adrien: It's like... (He stares back at the art piece, mesmerized) You can almost see through his eyes, deep into his soul. So beautiful... Oh, and the watercolor too, of course. It's beautiful too.
(Kagami scoffs good heartedly. She grabs her phone and holds it out to Adrien)
Kagami: You're calling Luka for a date.
Adrien: Huh? But why?
Kagami: Because you're so lovesick you can't focus on anything else. Call him.
Adrien: I'm focused! And I'm definitely not lovesick!
Kagami: You look at him like he's the most beautiful thing to ever walk the earth. Call him.
Adrien: Come on! I'm not that bad!
Kagami: (chuckles) There are none so blind as those who will not look at themselves in the mirror. Call him.
Adrien: Ugh, fine! But I'm not lovesick.
Kagami: Your feelings are so clear you can see them from space.
(Adrien good heartedly rolls his eyes and grabs Kagami's phone from her hand)

Scene: The Liberty. Kitty Section, along with Mylène, are gathered on stage.

Mylène: Luka, these stickers you made are awesome!
Luka: I made one version with the record label logo on it and another without it. I don't think we should use their logo for now since the record company still hasn't sent their contract.
(Juleka mumbles disapprovingly)
Rose: Don't say that, Juleka! Producers keep their word!
Mylène: Yeah, that's what Bob Roth said.
(Luka's phone rings as Adrien call him)
Luka: Hey, babe, what's up?
Adrien: Well, Kagami said I'm too "lovesick" to focus on anything, so she suggested I call you.
Luka: (laughs) Lovesick? She actually said that?
Adrien: Yeah! Can you believe it?
Luka: Well, you did look pretty flustered this morning when I dropped Kagami off...
Adrien: Oh, stop! Not you too!
Luka: (laughs) I'm just messing with you, babe! Kagami's right, though; a day out together would be nice. Where do you wanna meet up?
Adrien: Well, how about the Grévin Museum?
(Kagami puts her palm on her face)
Luka: Sounds good to me
Adrien: Okay, see you later, then.
(The call ends, and the rest of the gang hugs Luka)
Ivan: You guys are so cute!
Rose: The cutest!
Myléne: Well, we won't keep you any longer. Enjoy your date!
(The whole gang heads downstairs, and Luka chuckles)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Back in the locker room, Kagami begins criticizing Adrien.

Kagami: The Grévin Museum?
Adrien: Yes, why? Did I do something wrong?
Kagami: On a romantic date?
Adrien: It's Luka; it doesn't matter if we go somewhere special. It'll be romantic as long as we're there together.

Scene: Exterior, Musée Grévin. Adrien is waiting for Luka, when he sees him coming. He runs to Luka and catches him in an embrace.

Adrien: Luka!
Luka: (chuckles) Looks like you're lovesick after all!
Adrien: Oh, come on! Can't I be happy to see my boyfriend?
Luka: (kisses him on the cheek) I'm only teasing, babe! I'm happy to see you, too.
Adrien: (chuckles) Yeah, yeah. Come on, let's go inside.
(They enter the museum together)

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