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Scene: The Liberty. Chloé, Zoé, and Sabrina arrive in their limo, and quickly run towards the Liberty. Alya, Nino, and Nathaniel see them from on board.

Nino: Why are they running like that? They're not late.
Alya: With those three? Who knows?
(Everyone laughs)
Chloé: Hi, everybody!
Zoé: Hey, guys!
Sabrina: Hello!
Everyone: Hi Chloé! Hi Zoé! Hi Sabrina!
Chloé: (starts walking to everyone and greets them one by one) Hi, Rose! Hi, Ivan! Hey, Juleka, Anarka-
Nino: Woah, dude! What's the deal?
Sabrina: We're just excited to be here.
Chloé: I really am!
Luka: Of course, Chloé. We're all proud of how far you've come lately.
Chloé: Luka! I was looking for you! I wanted to talk to you about... uh- (She rubs her neck) About... getting a hold of Bob Roth for your band! My daddy is a good friend of his, and-
Luka: You sure that's really what you wanna talk to me about?
Chloé: Weeeell...
Luka: (to everyone) I forgot to grab my capo and picks. I'll be right back. (He walks away with Chloé)

Scene: The Liberty, in Luka's room. Luka and Chloé are sitting beside each other on his bed.

Chloé: I just wanted to thank you again for being so welcoming. You didn't have to invite me into your home, but you did.
Luka: Of course, Chloé, you're our friend.
Chloé: I'm just thankful for the second chance everyone has given me... I wasn't exactly the nicest in the past...
Luka: It's all in the past, Chloé. Your tune has changed. (He starts playing his guitar) It was hidden deep down, but you were able to push it to the forefront. Now we all hear what was there all along; you just needed a bit of a push to share it.
Chloé: Thanks, Luka. You have no idea how much that means to me.
Luka: If you need me, you know where to find me.
(Luka and Chloé walk towards the stairs. As both proceed to leave the room, they spot Adrien coming down the stairs with his "damaged" keyboard)
Chloé: Adrikins! You made it! (She kisses his cheek) Is something wrong with your keyboard?
Adrien: Oh- yeah, I was just going to ask Luka for some help.
Chloé: Good luck, see you back upstairs!
(Chloé heads back up, and Adrien continues down the stairs, and he and Luka head back into Luka's room)
Luka: (smirks) Broken keyboard, huh? You sure that's what you really want to talk to me about?
Adrien: (chuckles) Alright, you got me. There's nothing wrong with it. I just wanted an excuse to spend some time with my boyfriend.
Luka: (laughs) We're gonna be hanging out all day!
Adrien: That's different, everyone else is here too! I meant time for just the two of us.
Luka: (chuckles) You're so cute.
(Luka pulls Adrien into a kiss. As they break apart, Adrien pulls Luka into a hug)
Adrien: I don't know what I'd do without you...
Luka: Me neither...
Adrien: Ready to head back?
Luka: Go ahead, I need to grab my capo. I'll be up in a second.
Adrien: Alright. Love ya, babe.
(Adrien leaves the room, but Jagged Stone suddenly appears in the window behind Luka)
Jagged Stone: Hey, son! I, uh, have a super important question for you about, uh... this guitar pick!
Luka: You sure that's what you really want to talk to me about, Dad?
(Cut to Luka and Jagged Stone sitting down on Luka's bed)
Jagged Stone: Actually, I'm wondering how I could become a better father. What can I do for my kids and that kind of stuff, you know? Should I take you on a trip? To a theme park? I can't even write you songs 'cause the ones you're doing with Kitty Section are better than mine.
Luka: (plays a slow-rock riff on his guitar) You could just spend time with us.
Jagged Stone: But I can't stay here, son, 'cause, you know, it's not like I'm getting back together with your mom. And besides, things have been really cool with Penny.
Luka: No one expects you to get back together with Mom, least of all, her. But that doesn't mean you can't come here whenever you want to see us.
Jagged Stone: Okay, son. I don't know what I'd do without you.
Luka: You know where to find me, Dad.
Penny: (off-screen) Jagged?!
Jagged Stone: Uh-oh, sounds like Penny knows where to find me. (He sneaks back out the window) I'm supposed to be working at the studio!
Penny: (runs in the room) Luka! Have you seen your dad? We've been looking for him everywhere, he needs to be recording new songs right now, and Bob won't get off my back and—
Luka: You... sure that's what you really want to talk to me about?
(Cut to Luka and Penny sitting down on Luka's bed)
Penny: No, I don't know why I'm in love with your father. He's disorganized, childish, selfish, and musically speaking, he's no David Bowie. Truth be told, your dad's a walking disaster. So why do I love him?
Luka: Hmm. (He plays an upbeat riff on his guitar) Does he make you happy, Penny?
Penny: Yeah. I just can't figure out why!
Luka: That's actually how you know it's love. It's there, but you can't explain it.
Penny: You're right. Thanks, Luka. What would I do without you?
Luka: You know where t—
(Bob Roth barges into Luka's room)
Bob: Penny! Where's Jagged? Why aren't you answering my calls? He's supposed to be recording a new album for me! It's in his contract!
Penny: I-I'm looking for him, Bob. I thought I'd find him with his son, but he's not here.
Bob: His son?? (He walks over to Luka and grabs his face) Jagged Stone has a son? I can't believe someone would be foolish enough to have a kid with that good-for-nothing-
(Anarka enters the room)
Anarka: That "fool" would be me, Bob, and you boarded my boat without my permission!
Bob: Oh, yeah? And what are you going to do about it?
(Anarka cracks her knuckles furiously)

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