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Scene: Jardin des Tuileries. Kagami sits on the bench after her fencing practice, wiping her sweat. Lila is seen sitting beside her.

Lila: Here. (She gives Kagami her water bottle) You need to hydrate more, you know?
Kagami: (grabs the water bottle) Thanks.
(Upon opening the bottle and drinking from it, Kagami's phone vibrates)
Kagami: It's time. I'm sorry. (She grabs her bag) I have to go to meet the others.
Lila: You don't need to apologize. It's not your fault they don't invite me. Just go.
(Kagami nods and stands up from the bench)
Lila: I admire you so much, you know? I don't know how you do it. (She giggles) I, too, was in love with the boy once. When he didn't want to see me anymore, I was in pain for so long; I couldn't get him out of my head. But you managed to turn your love for Adrien into a friendship. You even helped Luka get closer to him. If it hadn't been for your big heart, none of what's happening today would be happening today. You're so perfect, Kagami. I'm proud to have you as my best friend.
Kagami: (gasps) "Best friend"? Really?
Lila: (nods) Mhm.
(Kagami walks away with a smile)

Scene: Jardin des Tuileries. The whole gang is out together.

Marc: Alright, you two. We have a little surprise for you! We've reserved a pod on the Ferris wheel just for the two of you!
Nathaniel: The place will be magical!
Marc: Your pod is programmed to stop at the exact moment the sun sets over the city.
Nathaniel: The view will be magical!
Marc: There, pigeons trained by Mr. Ramier will release rose petals to rain all around you.
Nathaniel: The moment will be magical!
Adrien: But I'm allergic to pigeons!
Marc: There's no risk since you'll be in a pod! A pod streaming Kitty Section's romantic music LIVE!
Nathaniel: Even the sound will be magical!
Luka: Uh... that sounds great guys, but... What brought this on?
Nathaniel: You guys have done so much for all of us!
Marc: We just thought it was time we returned the favor and did something nice for you!
Nino: Yeah, dudes! You deserve it!
Marc: So you two just turn off your brains and enjoy yourselves!
Nathaniel: Our treat!
Luka: Are you sure?
Marc: Of course!
Adrien: But how can there be love Kitty Section music without either of us playing?
Marc: Don't worry! We've got it covered.
Luka: Alright, if you're sure.
Kagami: We are. Just go enjoy yourselves.

Scene: Jardin des Tuileries, inside a ferris wheel pod. Kitty Section plays music for Luka and Adrien, who are in another pod together.

Rose: One, two, three! (She starts singing)
♪ Don't need to skyrocket
Don't need no deep pockets
Be a prince and princess if you need tenderness— ♪
(Nino disrupts the music sequence by playing wildy off-key on the electric guitar)
Nathaniel: (annoyed) Stop— STOP! Nino, have you ever touched a guitar before??
Nino: Uh, no, dude. This is my very first time!
Nathaniel: Well, then why did you replace Luka??
Nino: Well, it didn't look so hard when he was playing it!
Marc: (from the other cabin) It's no big deal. It's okay.
Alya: Keep it together, guys!
(Under the ferris wheel, Mr. Ramier uses his pigeon call to let his pigeons know to fly. The ferris wheel stops with Adrien and Luka's cabin at the peak. Both sides of the gang continue to watch the two. Adrien and Luka hold hands as they watch the sunset, leaning against each other and sharing a kiss. When the pods reach the bottom of the ferris wheel, Adrien and Luka step out, still holding hands.
Marc: Soooooo?
Luka: (chuckles) Thanks, guys. That was great.

Scene: The Agreste mansion, in the living room. Gabriel and Tomoe are having tea.

Gabriel: More tea?
Tomoe: Don't change the subject, Gabriel-san. Why are you so anxious to move up the date of the Diamonds' Ball?
Gabriel: Oh, it's just a... scheduling issue.
Tomoe: Your lies show an unexpectable lack of respect!
Gabriel: I'm not lying!
Tomoe: (grabs Gabriel's cataclysmed arm, making him grunt in pain) Your heart beats louder than a Taiko Drum! Why do you want to move up the date?
Gabriel: (painfully breaks free) Because I don't have much time left. (He rolls up his sleeve)

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