Christmas Special/Santa Claws

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Scene: Chloé and her father are seen leaving the Dupain-Cheng bakery, as Adrien's bodyguard walks in.

Marinette: Adrien's bodyguard. The present! I'll be right back! (She runs off to her room)

Scene: Marinette's room. Marinette is searching for her present.

Marinette: I don't believe this! Where's the gift? Where did I put it? I'm so lame! (She finally finds it and picks it up) Ah! Here it is!

Scene: Bakery. Sabine waves goodbye to Adrien's bodyguard.

Marinette: Huh? (She runs after him)

Scene: The Place des Vosges. Marinette calls out for Adrien's bodyguard.

Marinette: Excuse me? Wait! If you don't mind, this is... this is for Adrien.
(Adrien's bodyguard takes the gift)
Marinette: Can you wish him a Merry Christmas from me, that is... I mean it could be from you too, in fact Merry Christmas to you from... um, ah... me, of course... ah (She laughs. Marinette waves goodbye and the bodyguard leaves) I hope Adrien has a good Christmas. (She looks at the sky and an image of Adrien appears)

Scene: Agreste mansion. Adrien and Nathalie are decorating the Christmas tree.

Adrien: Check it out, Nathalie. Do you think he will like all the decorations?
(Adrien's bodyguard enters the house)
Adrien: He should be down here already. Did you call him?
Nathalie: Perhaps we should give him... a few more minutes.
(Adrien looks disappointed)
Adrien: What's the point? He's not coming. (Adrien walks towards the stairs and his bodyguard gives him Marinette's present) Thank you. (Adrien walks up to his room) Merry Christmas, both of you.

Scene: Gabriel's atelier. Gabriel is looking at a picture of his wife.

(Nathalie knocks on the door)
Gabriel: Yes?
(Nathalie enters the room)
Nathalie: I can imagine how difficult it must be for you, sir. But it's also Adrien's first Christmas without his mother. I really think, sir...
Gabriel: I know, you're right. I'll go see him. I just need a little more time.
Nathalie: Of course. (She leaves the room)

Scene: Adrien's room. Adrien is seen complaining about his father.

Adrien: He's still only thinking of himself! I just want this terrible day to be over and done with! I hate Christmas!

[Transformation Sequence]

Adrien: Plagg, claws out! (Adrien transforms into Chat Noir)

Scene: The streets of Paris. Chat Noir is running.

Chat Noir: ♫ It's Christmas in Paris, all is cheery and bright! But I'm all alone tonight. (Marinette and her parents are seen having a Christmas dinner) Families are together, with their gifts by their side. Only Chat Noir's alone tonight. (Chloé and her father are seen having a Christmas dinner) There's no warmth for me, no tenderness for me. I'm alone like a cat in the night! I'm a sad lonely kitty! won't anyone take pity? Chat Noir is alone tonight! Chat Noir is alone tonight! ♫

Scene: Hôtel de Ville. Chat Noir is seen singing.

Chat Noir: ♫ No cares about me, if I'm lost or I'm found and I'm like just a cat in the night! I'll take your symbol of joy and burn it to the ground. I'm the vengeful cat of the night! I'm the vengeful cat of the night! Ca-ta-cly-sm! ♫ (He attempts to use his power against the Christmas tree but a vision of his mother appears) I can't do it! I can't do it! (He uses his power against a Gabriel advertisement, and it collapses) ♫ I'm cold and alone, I don't want to be in pain. All that anger was all in vain. I need to go back home to try and find a way. Tomorrow will be a brand new day. ♫ Let's go home now. Plagg, claws out. (Chat Noir transforms back into Adrien)
Adrien: Plagg? Plagg!?
Plagg: (Is completely weakened and almost dying) ♫ I wish that I can help you, to assist your transformation. But I can't Adrien, don't you see? I'm tired and distressed, I got nothing to digest, I'm weak and I'm running on empty. ♫
Adrien: Plagg? Plagg, what have I done? Wait, I'll help you! (Adrien searches for Camembert in his jacket and finds Marinette's present. He unwraps it, finding that it's a hat, and lays Plagg on it. He notices a letter signed by Marinette and reads it) "Merry Christmas". Signed Marinette. She's so awesome! We're going to fix you right up, Plagg! (He puts the letter back in his shirt as he hears a bell ring, signaling midnight) Do you hear that? It's Christmas! (He stands up and the letter falls) Merry Christmas, Plagg.
Plagg: Merry Christmas, Adrien.

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