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Scene: Parisian streets. Coccinelle and Chat Noir are chasing after a runaway bus.

Bus driver: (from the inside the bus) It's no good! The brakes are busted!
(Outside the bus, Coccinelle and Chat Noir are on top of the roof)
Coccinelle: Ready, Chat Noir?
Chat Noir: I'm always ready, my bug. Who needs brakes when they've got us?
(Chat Noir throws his staff. Coccinelle catches it, goes under the bus, attaches his yoyo to it, and wraps his yoyo around the staff. After the bus passes from under him, he throws it for Chat Noir to catch. He extends his staff in between two lampposts. The bus is about to hit three civilians, but luckily the lampposts, staff, and yoyo all manage to stop it from happening. Coccinelle and Chat Noir escort the passengers off the bus)
Chat Noir: So, uh, Coccinelle? What would you say if you and I met up tonight for a little dinner? Rooftop style?
Coccinelle: For dinner? As superheroes?
Chat Noir: Well, uh, yeah. That's right. We're only together when we're saving Paris. I mean, wouldn't you actually like to get to know one another?
Coccinelle: I... That's so thoughtful of you, but... don't you think it's a little dangerous? We are supposed to keep our identities secret after all.
Bus driver: (steps out of the bus and shakes hands with Chat Noir) Thank you. (shakes Coccinelle's hand) Thank you, Coccinelle.
Chat Noir: Well- yes, technically. But it's one night out together, besides we can patrol afterwards if you like.
Coccinelle: (chuckles) Alright, you've convinced me. Just text me the location and I'll meet you there.
Chat Noir: I'll be waiting, my bug.
(Coccinelle uses his yo-yo and leaves. Chat Noir smiles at him for a moment before he leaves too)

Scene: The Agreste mansion. Adrien is waiting at the dinner table for his father.

(Adrien sighs before he takes out his phone to text Nino. He then checks the time)
Nathalie: There's no point in waiting for your father, Adrien. He'll be eating in his office.
Adrien: (stands up from his chair) Then what's the point of keeping me here if he's never gonna show up, Nathalie? (walks away to go to his room)
Nathalie: Don't forget to practice your piano before you go to bed.

Scene: Adrien's room.

Plagg: You could've at least grabbed the piece of Camembert on that platter!
Adrien: (tosses a piece of Camembert to Plagg) Fuel up, Plagg. (He turns on some piano music from his phone. He then places the phone on top of the real piano) Adrien may not be allowed out of the house, but Chat Noir is!
Plagg: You seem in a hurry, is the pussycat excited to see his ladybug?
Adrien: (blushing) Shut up, Plagg.
Plagg: I'm only stating the obvious.

[Transformation Sequence]

Adrien: Plagg, claws out!
Plagg: Don't even give me a minute to digest my fooooood!
(Adrien transforms into Chat Noir)

(Chat Noir leaves his room by hopping out his window. He then leaps from roof to roof. Arriving at his destination, a balcony, Chat Noir begins placing candles to set up for his dinner with Coccinelle. He looks around and feels satisfied with what he's done. He then sits down to wait for him)

Scene: Pont des Arts bridge. André is opening his ice-cream stand. He sings to his customers, while Ivan, Mylène, Nino, Alya, and Marinette approach.

André: ♫ My name is André! André! Glacé! The sweetheart matchmaker! ♫ (He rings a bell to let everyone knows that he's ready) ♫ With one scoop or two, I'll find up for you with magical ice-cream flavors! My name is André! André! Glacé! The sweetheart matchmaker! With one scoop or two, I'll find up for you with magical ice-cream flavors! ♫
Nino: (notices André) Hey, he's here!
Alya: (to Marinette) Let's go!
André: (hands an ice-cream to a couple) Pistachio, vanilla, and strawberry! For lovebirds from Italy.
Italian couple: Merci, André!
André: You're welcome, my friends. Enjoy André's ice-cream. May love never end!
Mylène: (arrives with Ivan) Bonjour, André.
Andre: Striking young Ivan and dear sweet Mylène! If you aren't still the cutest lovebirds I've seen! (scoops up an ice-cream for them) Chocolate, praline, and white nougat for you! A special concoction to keep your love true! (He hands the ice-cream to them. Alya and Nino are next in line) Ah, these two I've never seen. This your first time here with me?
Nino and Alya: (both laugh) Yeah!
André: Coconut, banana, and a touch of passion fruit!
(Behind Alya and Nino, Marinette is watching them while sitting on a bench)
Marinette: (still heartbroken) What's the point of even getting any? Adrien won't be coming.
André: And how about this young miss?
(Marinette looks up, surprised)
André: The pretty one who sighs. I have a flavor just for her! It's sure to make her smile!
Marinette: Uh... Me?
André: What's your name, dear? (He brings Marinette to his stand)
Marinette: Marinette.
André: (scoops up an ice-cream for her) Peach pink like his lips and mint like his eyes. Eat this, my dear, and your love will materialize! (He hands the ice-cream to Marinette)
Marinette: (stares at the ice-cream) Uh... um. No! I- There's been a mistake! I'm not in love with anyone. And I think I just lost my appetite. (She hands the ice-cream back)
André: Why of course you are, my little one. When there's love burning in one's heart, André knows it from the start. Enjoy your ice-cream, Marinette. I know he'll be here.
(Marinette stares at her ice-cream with a sad look on her face)
Ivan: Green eyes like mint... Who could that possibly be?
Marinette: (to André) Thank you, but you've got it all wrong. I don't have a- (She suddenly hears a whistle. She turns her head and sees someone walking who has the same clothing as Adrien) Adrien? (But it turns out to be Wayhem. She sighs)
Wayem's friend: Hey! (accidentally bumps onto Marinette and causes her to drop her ice-cream) You finally made it! That's great!
André: (startled gasp) André's ice-cream has always melted hearts. But the magic will only work if you eat it! I'll make you another one.
Marinette: (depressed) Thanks, but it's really not necessary.
André: (shows Marinette another cone) Yes it is, my dear. See here? My ice-cream has brought everyone together. Every famous loving couple in Paris! Edith and Marcel, John and Serge, Olive and Tom! Your loved one is out there! Somewhere! All you need is to believe in the magic of André's ice-cream!
Marinette: You're very nice, André. But I don't have a loved one.
Ivan: Who has green eyes? (to Mylène) You think we know him?
Marinette: Lay off, Ivan. There's no one, okay? (to André) And I don't think there's something magical about your ice-cream. It's just... ice-cream.
(André looks at his ice-cream, confused and saddened. Everyone watches as Marinette sadly and dejectedly walks away)
Nino: (tries to take the ice-cream, but Alya pulls him away) Hey, I was gonna get another one!
(Ivan quickly finishes his ice-cream and follows Marinette with everyone else)
André: But André's ice-cream always melts people's hearts. (He kneels on the floor sadly, with his ice-cream scooper and Marinette's ice-cream) At least, it used to. (cries)

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