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Scene: Flashback, in black-and-white, near the Eiffel Tower. Red searchlights sweep the Seine as a young Wang Fu and a young Marianne Lenoir are running away from the Nazis.

Marianne: (stops) Wait! We have to fight, Fu! Let's use the Miraculous: I'll take the Ladybug and you take the Black Cat!
Master Fu: But what if we fail? They'll get hold of this box and it will mean the end of the world! Come with me; we'll be safe in England.
(Fu grasps Marianne's hand as he runs forward, but she frees it from his grasp; he turns around in surprise)
Master Fu: Marianne?
Marianne: Leave without me — I'd rather stay and resist, even without the Miraculous!
(Fu takes a button with the Chinese ideogram 爱, meaning love, from his tie and fastens it to Marianne's blouse; he then places his hands on her upper arms)
Master Fu: I'll come back for this... and you!
Marianne: (holding Fu's clenched fists) I'll be waiting for you, right here, every day!
Master Fu: Marianne, I've never told you this, but I—
Marianne: (placing her finger on his lips.) Shh... Tell me when you come back!
(A red light falls on Marianne's face and a voice of a man is heard from afar as she turns to the source)
Nazi: Over there! Catch them!
Marianne: (turns to Fu) Now, go!
(Fu and Marianne let go of each other's hands and run in opposite directions as the man's voice is heard once again)
Nazi: Come on! Faster! The box! We must get the box!

Scene: The Liberty, Luka's room. Luka is sitting on his bed, playing his guitar. He suddenly stops, now thinking about something.

Tikki: What's wrong, Luka?
Luka: Nothing... it's just- I can't stop thinking about Adrien... he's been so on edge since the whole 'Marinette incident'.
Tikki: I still can't believe how many pictures she had of him in her room!
Luka: I know, it was really creepy. And it broke his heart to have to end their friendship like that.
Tikki: He shouldn't have found out the way he did.
Luka: He shouldn't have, but at least we caught her when we did; who knows what else she would've done...
Tikki: In the end, you'll always be there for Adrien, though!
Luka: Of course I will, Tikki. I- (Luka gasps as he sees Wayzz peeking through his bedroom window) Wayzz!
(Wayzz phases through the window and Tikki flies over)
Luka: What's going on?
Wayzz: Luka! You must come with me; Master Fu needs you! (He turns around and phases out of the window)
Luka: (to Tikki) Do you think it's serious?
Tikki: Master Fu wouldn't send Wayzz if it wasn't!
Luka: (fondly) You mean like the time when he lost his keys and locked himself out of the house?
Tikki: It's about time Fu learned how to write and send texts!

Scene: Fu's massage shop; Luka enters. Master Fu is lying down on his bed looking frail and weak, while a doctor stands beside him writing on her clipboard.

Master Fu: Lukaaaaa!
Luka: (hurries to stand beside the doctor) Doctor, is Master— (covers his mouth with his hand) I mean— grandpa okay?
Doctor: (cheerfully) Of course he is. You know what men are like: one little hiccup and they think they're dying.
Master Fu: (dramatically) My time has come!
(Luka sighs in relief)
Doctor: (hands Luka a prescription) Here you go; fetch this from the pharmacy and he'll be back on his feet in no time.
(Luka sticks the prescription in his jacket)
Doctor: (as she exits) And don't forget to eat more veggies, Mr. Chan. You need fiber, for guts' sake! (chuckles and leaves)
(Tikki pops out)
Luka: (turns to face Master Fu) "Mr. Chan?"
Master Fu: You can never be too careful...
(Luka sits down beside Master Fu and is about to set Master Fu's blanket, but is stopped)
Master Fu: Luka, if anything happens to me, I want you to take care of the Miracle box — you'll be the new guardian and—
Luka: Don't talk like that, Master Fu, I'm sure everything will be alright; it's nothing serious. (He pats his hand)
Master Fu: I am 186 years old, remember? The doctor doesn't know that.
Luka: You're going to be fine! I'll go and fetch your medication, then... (almost stands up)
Master Fu: Wait! That's not why I called you here. (reaches to hand Luka a letter) Go to the address written here down on the river banks at 11am. You'll see a woman there wearing a pretty brooch shaped like a Chinese ideogram. Coccinelle needs to give her this letter.
Luka: Who is she, Master?
Master Fu: Someone I've always loved, but have never seized the moment to tell... (looks away)
Luka: Master, you've got a sweetheart! But... why today?
Master Fu: Because I'm just realizing that I've waited way too long. I don't know how much time I have left, but I don't want to waste another moment.
Luka: If you're sure, Master.
Master Fu: (in a frail voice) Thank you.
Wayzz: Bring the medication back fast! I don't care what the doctor said, I don't have a good feeling about this.
Luka: You can count on me, Wayzz!

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