Miraculous World: New York

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Scene: The sky above Paris. Mr. Pigeon flies up with the Eiffel Tower.

Mr. Pigeon: Since Paris doesn't want us, we'll just go to the Moon, just like in Jules Verne's book!
(Coccinelle and Chat Noir fly up and follow him, latched onto the floating Eiffel Tower via Coccinelle's yo-yo)
Chat Noir: And how do you figure you'll breathe in space, birdbrain?
(Coccinelle looks at his Lucky Charm)
Mr. Pigeon: Come, my dear pigeons! In space, NO ONE CAN HEAR YOU COO!
Coccinelle: (gasps) I know how to use my Lucky Charm! (He grabs and pulls down his yo-yo) Let's bring him back to Earth before he hurts himself!
(Coccinelle and Chat Noir use the purple space power-ups)
Coccinelle and Chat Noir: POWER UP!
(Coccinelle and Chat Noir, now transformed into Cosmobug and Astrocat, fly up to Mr. Pigeon and the Eiffel Tower)
Alya: Oh! Check out Cosmobug and Astrocat fly in those NEW SUITS! (She appears with her website blog) Yo, peeps! This is Alya Césaire, live from Paris, where our heroes are battling Mr. Pigeon for the fifty-first time! They really are Miraculous, aren't they? (She gasps)
(Coccinelle and Chat Noir head inside the Eiffel Tower)
Coccinelle: (puts a book back in its place) There you go!
Chat Noir: (shows Coccinelle a yellow rose) There you go! Oops, you've said that already!
Coccinelle: Chat Noir! Another rose?
Chat Noir: Well, I've given you a red rose, which symbolizes "passion". And I've given you a white rose, which symbolizes "pure love". But now I'm offering you a yellow rose, because yellow represents "friendship". Here's to a perfect partnership.
Coccinelle: Are you sure yellow roses don't represent "jealousy"?
Chat Noir: Nice try, M'Bug, but I did my research. Yellow roses were used to represent "jealousy" in the Victorian era, and as that time period has passed... (He hands Coccinelle the rose)
(Coccinelle looks amused as he takes the rose)
Coccinelle: (chuckles) You don't need to give me flowers! I already know you're the best partner ever, Chat Noir. (He smells the rose) But I definitely won't refuse a rose from my boyfriend. Thanks, kitty, see you at school! (He uses his yo-yo and swings away)
Chat Noir: (sighs dreamily) He's so amazing. And so am I, by the way. I should be giving myself flowers!

Scene: Alleyway. Coccinelle lands down in action.

Coccinelle: Spots off! (Coccinelle detransforms back into Luka)
(Tikki breathes heavily. Luka gives a cookie to Tikki and lets her fly into his jacket before running off to school)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Inside the library, a video is being. Puppets of George Washington and Frenchman Marquis de Lafayette are shown.

Narrator: And that's how the friendship between American George Washington and Frenchman Marquis de Lafayette was born, between two men who believed that freedom should have no boundaries.
Miss Bustier: (claps) Congratulations! That truly was a sensational student film!
Mr. Damocles: And completed just in time for our departure to French-American Friendship Week... in New York!
(The students, sans Adrien, all cheer in excitement)
Chloé: Ah! Good thing my parents aren't letting me go with you! Not seeing you all for a week will feel like a vacation!
Mr. Damocles: But, Miss Bourgeois, your parents already gave the authorization. You are coming along with everyone!
Chloé: WHAT?! You're gonna hear from Daddikins! (She contacts her father)
Miss Bustier: I, on the other hand, regret to inform you that I can't come with you after all.
Marinette: Oh, no! But why!?
Caline: I just have a few medical exams I couldn't postpone, because... I will soon be having a baby!
(All the students cheer in excitement)
Mr. Damocles: Ms. Mendeleiev will be substituting Ms. Bustier.
All students: Aw...!
Kim: She's not cool! New York with her will be so lame! She won't let us do anything!
Nino: (To Adrien) Something wrong, buddy?
Adrien: My father isn't going to let me go -- as usual.
Lila: (leans back) I'm stuck in Paris too! I have obligations because of my charity work, but we could see each other, if you'd like.
(Marinette, watching from afar, growls angrily)
Adrien: (chuckles nervously) Thanks, Lila!
Marinette: NO!
(Everyone gasps at Marinette)
Marinette: Uh-? I mean... no! We made that film together, all of us! Which means Adrien must come with me! Uhh... I mean, us!
Luka: (whispering to Adrien) You know, Adrien. It's not fair that you can't come with us; maybe I could talk to your father for you?
Adrien: Thanks, Luka, but you know how persistent my father is; it wouldn't be much use.
Luka: You're my boyfriend, Adrien; It's my duty to make you happy. And if that means I have to go and see your father and convince him to let you come with us, then I will.
Adrien: Thanks, Luka.
Luka: (to everyone) Hey, how about we try to convince Adrien's father to let him come on the trip with us. It's not fair that he's being left out like this.
Ivan: That's a great idea!
Rose: And we're coming with you!

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