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Scene: Lila's room. Lila gathers her things as she listens to a voicemail on her phone.

Lila's mother: (through the voicemail) Hi, darling. Your breakfast is on the table, your lunch is in a bag, and your dinner is in the fridge. I'll be home late tonight again, but I'll do my best to be there this weekend. Pinky promise. And just call me if you need anything. Love you to bits, my angel! (She blows a kiss)

Scene: Near the bakery. Nino is seen walking when Lila appears. Nino notices her and runs to her.

Nino: Is something wrong, Lila?
Lila: Uh, no, I'm doing great! It's just that... my mom wants me to go with her to this fancy embassy function tonight, but I got way too much homework and I'm so behind after being away for the first term. I'm just gonna have to tell her no. She'll be so upset...
Nino: Oh, yeah. Bummer.
Lila: Adrien said he'd help me, but I don't want to bother him with it. He's probably forgotten anyway. He might think I've got a crush on him, just like all those other girls who are constantly hanging all over him.
Nino: Adrien's a great dude. I'm sure he won't mind. I can put in a good word for you if you want.
Lila: Oh, you'd do that for me? Oh thanks, Nino, you're the best!
Nino: No sweat.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Nino runs to Adrien as he is getting out of his car.

Nino: Hey, Adrien!
Adrien: Hi, Nino. What's up?
Lila: (smirks)

Scene: Miss Bustier's classroom. School has just ended. Adrien walks away from Luka, who he just finished a conversation with.

Adrien: Hey, Lila. Nino told me about your problem. I can still help you with your schoolwork if you want.
Lila: Really? You'd do that? You're such a great help! You're saving my life, you know.
Adrien: No problem, Lila. Happy to help.
(Across the room, Alya notices Marinette crawling towards Lila and Adrien. She confronts her)
Alya: Marinette.
Marinette: (gasp) I was so not spying on Lila. I was just... tying my shoes.
Alya: You've got nothing to worry about. Nino told me Lila said she definitely doesn't have the hots for Adrien.
Lila: (notices Marinette) Why don't we go to your place to do our homework? It would be so much quieter, wouldn't it?
Adrien: My father would never agree to that.
Lila: I bet you I can change his mind. (She grabs Adrien's arm and runs out the classroom)
Marinette: (follows Lila and Adrien)
Alya: (chases after her) Marinette! Wait!
(Luka notices Marinette run after Adrien, and decides to follow. Outside, Lila prepares to enter Adrien's car but is stopped by Adrien's bodyguard)
Marinette: Pfft! There's no way Adrien's bodyguard will let her in the car. (She gasps upon seeing Lila enter the car) Seriously?!
Alya: Don't tell me you're gonna follow them!
Marinette: 'Course not! I'm just gonna go... to the swimming pool. (She takes off while Alya facepalms)
(Luka gasps and starts to go after her, but Marinette runs into his sister)
Marinette: (notices Juleka with her bike) Hey, Juleka. (She gives her her backpack and takes her helmet) Can I borrow your bike? It's an emergency! (She takes off on Juleka's bike)
Juleka: I guess?
Luka: (runs up to Juleka) Did Marinette just take your bike?
Juleka: Looks like it.
Luka: She's going after Adrien. Don't worry, I'll go after her on my bike and bring yours back.
Juleka: Oh, thanks, Luka.
Luka: (kisses her on the cheek) See you later, sis.
(Luka goes to grab his bike, and starts to follow Marinette. From his jacket, Tikki pops her head out)
Tikki: Luka, you know you can trust Adrien. He knows Lila's a liar.
Luka: I know; it's Marinette I don't trust. If she keeps acting the way she has been she's gonna end up hurting Adrien again, and I refuse to let that happen!

Scene: Agreste car.

Lila: What's the worst grade you've ever gotten?
Adrien: An A- in math. Listen, Lila, you should forget about this. My father can be harsh with anyone he thinks is an intruder.
Lila: (laughs) We're not doing anything wrong. Leave this to me.

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