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Scene: Pont des Arts. Coccinelle and Chat Noir are using a mechanism, made of their yo-yo and staff, to pull something out of the Seine.

Coccinelle: Come on... (He grunts) We've almost got it!
Chat Noir: (grunts) We've got this, M'Bug!
Coccinelle: I know, Kitty! On three! One...
Chat Noir: Two...
Coccinelle: Three!
(The two heroes pull a barge out from the river)

Scene: Eiffel Tower. Coccinelle and Chat Noir are falling mid-air, fighting against Mr. Pigeon.

Chat Noir: There! Grab the bird call!
Coccinelle: I got it! (He grabs Mr. Pigeon's akumatized bird call and throws it to Chat Noir)
Chat Noir: Great work, M'Bug! (He breaks the akumatized object, releasing the Megakuma inside) Another job well done!
Coccinelle: (captures the Megakuma) Couldn't have done it without you, partner! Miraculous Coccinelle! (He throws the lucky charm in the air and chuckles)

Scene: On the Trocadéro rooftop. The two heroes sit next to each other, looking at the Eiffel tower while the sun sets.

Chat Noir: We really do make the best team, don't we?
Coccinelle: The greatest, no doubt.
Coccinelle & Chat Noir: I love you. (They laugh)
Chat Noir: I'll catch you later, babe. (He kisses Coccinelle on the cheek and leaps away)

Scene: The Liberty, Luka's room. Luka gushes to Juleka about Adrien.

Luka: He's just so amazing! I can say anything to him, and he can say anything to me. It's like we're on the same wavelength and- (His phone starts to ring)
Juleka: Who is it?
Luka: Kagami. It's ok, I'll call her back. I have to talk to you about this song I want to write for Adrien!
Juleka: (laughs) You're too much! Let's hear it, then; what ideas do you have?

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, in the art classroom. Marc and Nathaniel are using Luka and Adrien as models for their comics.

Marc: Remember, look into each other's eyes.
Nathaniel: In our story, the characters are very, very close. (He measures their distance with his pencil as the boys step closer) That's it, that's it.
Marc: Now they need to hold hands.
Adrien: (holds out his hand) A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Monsieur.
Luka: (kisses Adrien's hand) The pleasure's all mine, sweet prince.
(Everyone in the room laughs at their antics)

Scene: Inside the ice rink. The gang are all at the ice rink together. Luka and Adrien are skating together when Phillipe approaches.

Philippe: Come on, kids. We need feeling. We need poetry. That's it, you're almost there! Let yourself... FLY!
(Luka smirks at Adrien as he picks him up, holding him above his head. Adrien laughs as Luka spins him around, before setting him back down on the ice. The boys share a kiss while the gang all cheer for their performance)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. The class all sit on yoga mats, waiting for a lesson to start. Adrien and Luka sit across from each other.

Miss Bustier: Places, everyone! Today, we are going to practice empathetic listening.
(Adrien and Luka smile at each other)
Miss Bustier: You're going to take the hands of the person sitting next to you and express all the emotions you feel for them.
(Just as Luka and Adrien reach for each other, Marinette suddenly interrupts, trying to push Luka out of the way and take his place)
Juleka: Hey, that's my brother's seat!
Marinette: I don't see a reserved sign or anything. Besides, Luka's the one sitting in my seat.
Luka: It's not your seat, Marinette. I'm sitting here with Adrien.
Lila: (walks over) Marinette! (She drags Marinette away) Luka has every right to sit next to Adrien if it makes him happy! (Whispering) And we have every right to make sure their relationship doesn't last. But we have to be hush-hush about it.
(They both sit down at the last row of mats, completely on the other side)
Marinette: Fine, even if I hate every second they're together...
(Marinette glares across the room at Luka and Adrien, who are now holding hands)

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