Princess Justice: Heroes' Day, Pt 1

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(Rewrite of the episode Catalyst)

Scene: Early morning. Rooftops of Paris. Coccinelle heads into Luka's Bedroom and transforms back to Luka.

Luka: (Yawns) Time for some rest. Good night, Tikki.
Tikki: (Kisses Luka's forehead) Sleep tight, Luka.

Scene: Adrien's bedroom. Chat Noir transforms back to Adrien.

Adrien: That villain was so tough.
(Plagg yawns and falls onto the bed with Adrien)

Scene: Luka's room. Luka is sleeping peacefully, when his phone starts to go off.

Unknown Voice: Rise and shine everyone! Today is Heroes Day. A day when you too can be a hero!
Luka: Heroes Day? That's right, I nearly forgot!
Tikki: Isn't the fact that you were up all night saving Paris enough of a good deed?
Luka: No, Tikki. Because that was a secret and Coccinelle's good deed. Heroes Day is when everyday citizens perform a good deed for other people's benefit. (He opens his jacket) Come on, Tikki.
(Tikki hides in Luka's jacket)

Scene: Adrien's bathroom. Adrien's brushing his teeth.

Plagg: (Sighs) Heroes Day... We're already heroes. Come on, let's go back to bed!
Adrien: Plagg! (Covers his nose) Do you really have to eat that so early in the morning?
Plagg: (Eats the camembert) Mhm.

Scene: Agreste Mansion. Adrien grabs his bag in his room and sees his father in front of his mother's statue in the garden before going out. He sees Nathalie downstairs.

Nathalie: The fencing hall is booked for 6:05 p.m. and the Chinese classroom for 6:35 p.m. just as you wished, and remember that you have to make an appearance in the Agreste Foundation's Heroes Gala.
Adrien: I'll be there, for sure. (Walks out the door escorted by his bodyguard)

Scene: The mansion's garden. Nathalie approaches Gabriel, who is still in front of his wife's statue.

Gabriel: If it were to fail Nathalie, I could never forgive myself.
Nathalie: You made a promise to your wife. You've risked so much for the chance to bring her back. (Hands Gabriel her tablet) This heartbroken young girl you've found, she holds great promise. Your plan is perfect, sir.
Gabriel: And you're sure you want to do this?
Nathalie: I will always be here for you. We will succeed.
(Gabriel looks at the tablet once more and zooms in on Marinette)

Scene: Miss Bustier's classroom.

Miss Bustier: Well class, it isn't going to be easy living up to Coccinelle and Chat Noir's standards, but let's not forget that we can all be heroes for this one day.
(Mr. Damocles pulls up image of the French Miraculous superhero team)
Mr. Damocles: This year, Coccinelle and Chat Noir have been our heroes, protecting us from the terrible Hawk Moth. They've shown us that heroism is beyond comic books and fairy tales. Heroism is real, and it is up to you to show us how Coccinelle and Chat Noir brought out the best in all of us. By being everyday heroes.
Miss Bustier: So what heroic deeds have you all planned? Nino?
Nino: I gotta admit, I've never used to do anything for anyone before, but Coccinelle and Chat Noir have shown me what being cool is really about.
(Luka and Adrien are surprised and smile)
Nino: So this year, I'm going to visit the elderly residents at the local retirement home and play them all their favorite songs.
(The class claps)
Miss Bustier: Adrien?
Adrien: Today I plan to give my fencing classmates a lesson in Chinese, and my Chinese classmates a lesson in fencing.
Miss Bustier: Luka?
Luka: I'm going to be set up at the park later, I'll be playing music for everyone around.
Miss Bustier: Alya?
Alya: Last year, I wrote an article about equiping public buildings with disabled access. But after seeing Coccinelle and Chat Noir going that extra mile every single day, I decided that I, too, can do better. So I got the mayor's approval to improve facilties so that handicap kids can actually attend our school.
Miss Bustier: What about you, Marinette?
(Marinette has been looking sullenly down at her desk)
Marinette: Uh... so I, uh, yeah. I have... macarons.
Chloé: Wow, like every year? You obviously went above and beyond, Dupain-Cheng.
Alya: Hey! She did what she could, and that's better than nothing.
Chloé: Hey, I am doing something. Now that I'm a superhero myself, I'll be signing autographs for anyone who wants one.
Alya: You call that a good deed? At least Marinette-
Marinette: No, Alya. She's right... I know it's not much, but I've been... distracted lately. I did what I could...
Miss Bustier: And that's certainly good enough, Marinette! Now, who else wants to share their plans for good deeds today?

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