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Scene: Rooftop of Le Grand Paris. Zoé and Andre sit by Andre's dream cellar.

Andre: Are you sure, Zoé? Look, back then, I wrote an entire movie to declare my love to her. Admittedly, the script was a bit long, but... that was only because I had so much love for my sweet Audrey! (He shows Zoé his manuscript for the movie "Solitude")
Zoé: "Written by... Anaximandre"?
Andre: Uhm— Well... I changed my name in the name of love! In fact, I changed my life for love—
Audrey: (off-screen) Andre!!! Come and give me a foot massage! Where on earth is he??
Andre: Never bury your dreams, Zoé. You have two whole weeks left before the end of the school year to tell whoever it is you're in love with exactly how you feel!
Audrey: Andre???
Andre: Audrey, darling! Sorry to keep you waiting! I'm coming! (He dashes away)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, in the library. The students are gathered around Mr. Damocles for an announcement.

Mr. Damocles: As you know, it's almost the end of the school year, which means it's almost time for our end-of-the-year dance! That's why we ask you to select the class representatives who will organize the event. Let me remind you that traditionally reps should be one 8th grade student and one 9th grade student.
Marc: The eighth graders elected Zoé Lee, Mr. Damocles.
Juleka: And Luka Couffaine has been elected to represent the ninth graders.
Mr. Damocles: Well, perfect, then! We'll meet with you both tonight to find out what you've planned. Surprise us!

Scene: The Liberty. Luka brings Zoé into his room.

Luka: We're going to make a great team! Any ideas so far?—
(Luka turns around to look at Zoé, who seems to have stopped moving)
Luka: You okay, Zoé?
Zoé: (wide-eyed) Your room is... awesome!!
Luka: Oh, yeah. I guess you've never been in here before. Let me show you around. This is my guitar stand; I made it myself from salvaged parts. That's my guitar pick collection; it needs some tidying up. My bed, of course,  where I usually work on my music. My desk, where I do my homework. And the most important spot: the drawers under my bed- with my guitar parts, tuners, song notes...
Zoé: (looks at the notebook sitting on Luka's bed) Woah... that's gorgeous!
Luka: (chuckles) Thanks! It's just a rough draft, of course. That's the song I'd like to make for the dance. Anyway, we should probably start planning. Where do you think we should have the dance? Outdoors at the Trocadero?
Zoé: Under the vault of the Grand Palais?
Luka: (gasps) The Eiffel Tower; It's the perfect place! And you could help us get it.
Zoé: How?
Luka: I was thinking we could ask your stepfather about using the Eiffel Tower for the dance. But... maybe you don't want to bother him with that.
Zoé: No, totally the opposite! Let's go talk to Anaximandre!
Luka: Um... who?
Zoé: I mean, let's go talk to my stepdad, the Mayor of Paris!

Scene: Le Grand Paris. Zoé and Luka proceed inside.

Zoé: Hello, Armand! So, did Justine like the movie yesterday?
Armand: Hello, Zoé! Justine loved it so much that it's all she talks about now.
Zoé: Awesome! (To a maid) Hello, Sophie!
Sophie: Hello, Zoé! How are you doing?
(Audrey comes down the stairs and walks up to Andre)
Audrey: Gold, diamond and platinum!
Andre: (hands credit cards to Audrey) Here you are, my darling, Audrey!
(Zoé and Luka walk over to talk to Andre)
Zoé: Andre, I have a question for you, or rather for the Mayor of Paris.
Andre: (brings out his portrait) The Mayor of Paris is listening to you, my dear Zoé!
Zoé: Luka and I have been selected to plan for the end-of-the-year dance at school, and we were wondering if there was any way we can have it on the Eiffel Tower!
Luka: There'll be a concert, then a DJ set, a buffet, and for those who don't like to dance, a trampoline stretched between the four pillars of the tower!
Andre: Interesting! We could also film the evening, and the images would be projected in real time on a giant screen. A film within the film about the film of the party, because cinema is life and life is cinema... and if someone needed to proclaim their love for somebody else, this would be the perfect place and time for it... (He clears his throat) Well, by the power vested in me, the city of Paris authorizes you to hold this party on the Eiffel Tower.
Luka: Thank you, Mr. Mayor!
Andre: And by the way, I'll be sure to keep the location a surprise. If anyone comes asking, we never had this conversation.
Zoé: You got it, Anax!

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