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Scene: Agreste mansion. Gabriel and Nathalie are discussing matters in Nathalie's bedroom.

Nathalie: This is what we learned, thanks to the akumatization of Chloé Bourgeois as Miracle Queen.
(Optigami flies nearby as Nathalie shows Gabriel the true identities of Rena Rouge, Queen Bee, Ryuko, King Monkey, Viperess, Pegasus and Carapace on her screen)
Gabriel: Yes... I remember...

Scene: Flashback; Trocadéro.

Miracle Queen: People of Paris, listen to Miracle Queen's first order! From now on, no one will have to keep his identity a secret. All the Miraculous wearers, come to me!
(Under the control of Miracle Queen, Alya, Nino, Max, Marinette, Kagami, and Kim walk towards Miracle Queen)
Hawk Moth: Yes! Yes!!! No more hiding!

Scene: Agreste Mansion, Present.

Nathalie: Since then- (Optigami files and lands on Nathalie's finger) -I created Optigami.

Scene: Shadow Moth's lair. Mayura charges a feather in her hand.

Mayura: My beautiful amok, bring my creation to life!
(She puts the amok in her tablet. She concentrates her power and creates the sentimonster Optigami, which flies onto her finger)
Mayura: Optigami, I am Mayura.
(Optigami opens its eyes, then flies off)
Mayura: Be my eyes and discover all of Coccinelle's secrets.

Scene: Streets of Paris. Optigami flies into Marinette's parent's bakery, and opens its eyes to spy on Marinette helping her parents.

Nathalie: Under my control, Optigami followed each of the Miraculous holders. Alas, they're just ordinary teenagers-

Scene: Swimming pool. Optigami flies into a lifeguard's chair, and opens its eyes to spy on Kim, who is happily swimming.

Nathalie: –who spend their time between school and extracurricular activities.

Scene: Art classroom. Optigami flies into a statue's head, and opens its eyes to spy on Max, who is playing chess with Markov.

Scene: Shadow Moth's lair. Mayura watches what Optigami sees through her tablet, which shows Kagami fencing.

Nathalie: True, Coccinelle sometimes trusts them with a Miraculous-

Scene: Alleyways. Multiple clips of Coccinelle distributing the miraculous and taking them back are shown from Optigami's view. Optigami also sees Coccinelle enter a sewer.

Nathalie: -But he's established rules that prevent anyone from discovering his secret identity: he never shows his face, always takes back the Miraculous, and makes sure no one ever follows him.

Scene: Sewers. Optigami flies around searching for Coccinelle.

Nathalie: Even Optigami couldn't stay on his tail.

Scene: Nathalie's room, back in present day.

Nathalie: We will learn nothing more with the Sentimonster.
Gabriel: On the contrary, I believe that it will help us finally discover who is behind Coccinelle's mask. There's a flaw when the holder gives their miraculous back. (He points at the tablet, which shows footage of Nino giving his Miraculous back to Coccinelle) There. Imagine if Optigami was hiding in the Miraculous when Coccinelle took it back? It would lead us straight to his home, unknowingly.
Nathalie: Brilliant. But how do you plan to do that?
Gabriel: I need an event where all the holders will be sure to come, and a super-villain who will force Coccinelle to assign a Miraculous if he wants to defeat it. And I know just the right person for it.

Scene: Tour Montparnasse. Audrey is insulting an employee.

Audrey: Are you serious?! Where is the glitter I asked for? You're useless, utterly useless. (Her phone rings) Shoo, shoo! (She answers)
Gabriel: Audrey, once again this idea was formidable.
Audrey: Utterly formidable, you mean! ...What was the idea again?
Gabriel: This new award by your magazine, the Fashion Icon of the Month, and I was thinking, what better way to launch the award than by electing my son?
Audrey: I'll take care of the invitations right now.

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