Conformation: The Final Day, Pt 1

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Scene: Kagami's room in Tsurugi Industries Laboratory, London. A news broadcast from Paris plays in the room. André is seen handing out ice cream to customers near the Eiffel Tower.

Nadja: It's the first day of summer break in Paris.
(Mr. Damocles closes the door of Collège Françoise Dupont. Election posters for the two candidates, Caline Bustier and Armand D'Argencourt are displayed by the stairs)
Nadja: Classes are barely over and the campaign for the mayoral election has already begun.
(Caline hands out campaign flyers to Parisians with the help of Gisèle, Mylène, and Ivan)
Nadja: Tourists have already started arriving from all around the world to savor a taste of Paris, taking advantage of the good weather and making great memories in the company of family and friends.
(Customers are gathered in front of Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. In another shot, many people are shown spending time in a park)
Nadja: Good weather also prevails in London, where Adrien Agreste and Kagami Tsurugi arrived yesterday. According to a statement from the Gabriel brand, the couple will be pursuing their successful modeling careers there.
(Photos of Adrien and Kagami leaving their private jets, surrounded by reporters and adoring fans are shown)
Nadja: A story by our correspondent in the UK right after this message.
(An advertisement featuring Adrien and Kagami begins to play)
Ad voice: For flawless skin and flushing out toxins.
(The real Kagami throws one of her sneakers at the screen in frustration)
Ad voice: Perfection — the drink that hydrates... to perfection.

Scene: Gabriel's lair. Gabriel is on call with Tomoe Tsurugi. He monitors all the rooms in the London lab, including those where Adrien and Kagami are staying, using a camera system.

Gabriel: Now that our children are safe in London, we can launch the Perfect Alliance.
Tomoe: One day, they'll understand that we did this all for their own good. Take care of the poison while I prepare the remedy.
Gabriel: Nooroo, dark wings rise! (He transforms into Monarch)
Monarch: (turns a butterfly into a Megakuma) Dark wings fall. (He detransforms)
Gabriel: Akumatize me, dear Megakuma!
(The Megakuma infects Gabriel's Alliance ring. He becomes Nightormentor)
Nightormentor: Mullo, Orikko, Kaalki, your powers are now mine. (He absorbs their powers) Sublimation! I choose the power to fly. (He gives himself the power) Multitude! (He splits into 42 clones) Voyage!
(Nightormentor's clones teleport to large cities all over the globe. Using their abilities, they spread nightmare dust all over the cities)
Nightormentor: After spreading bad dream dust all across the world, I will awaken the dormant nightmares in each human's mind! Voyage! (He teleports back to his lair) Fall in! (He merges with all his clones to become one person again, then breaks out of his akumatization)
Gabriel: (walks back to his screen) The nightmare has begun.
Tomoe: And our wish to bring our children together can finally come true.

Scene: Agreste mansion — Luka's nightmare. Luka, dressed in a red knight armor with black polka dots, rides up to the Agreste mansion's gate on his bike. He speaks to the camera at the gate.

Luka: I want to see Adrien!
Gabriel: (through the camera) You'll have nothing more to do with my son!
Luka: We'll see about that! (He grabs his sword and uses it to break down the gate) I'm coming, Adrien!
(Tall, thick, thorny vines spring out from the mansion all the way into the clouds. Luka finds Adrien tied up at the top)
Luka: Adrien! I'm going to save you!
(A large dragon appears and attacks Luka with a burst of flames. He fights back and defeats the dragon, who turns out to be Gabriel Agreste, akumatized. He detransforms and falls onto the vine, unconscious)
Luka: Mr. Agreste? (He trips) WOAH! (He falls and accidentally touches Gabriel with his sword, making him disintegrate)
Adrien: Father, NO! (He starts crying) Why did you do that, Luka?

Scene: Luka's room. Luka wakes up in a panic.

Luka: Adrien! I have to free him from the dragon, I mean– from his father!
Tikki: He's in London now, Luka. Remember?
(Luka experiences a sudden burst of pain and torment)
Tikki: What's happening?
Luka: Tikki, I need to find out where Mr. Agreste has sent Adrien. I need to free him; to talk to him! (He experiences another sudden ache) At least to make sure that he's okay... (He grabs his phone and dials Adrien's number)
Adrien: (pre-recorded voice) Hey! This is Adrien's voicemail. Leave a message.
(Luka hangs up and sees no new calls from Adrien. Then, a pop-up with Tsurugi Industries' logo appears on his screen)
Luka: What? (He opens it)
(The pop-up turns out to be another advertisement with Adrien and Kagami, this time, for a perfume)
Ad voice: Use Perfection, the fragrance.
Tikki: His father won't tell you a thing, will he?
Luka: He won't, but maybe his assistant Nathalie will. Adrien said that she was always kind to him. Let's go and talk to her.

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