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Scene: Streets of Paris. Kagami and Adrien are in their cars, on their way to fencing class.

Tatsu: 2 PM – fencing class, 4 PM – meeting with your mother, 4:30 PM – ikebana workshop.
Adrien: (on the phone with Luka) If I get out of fencing class early...
Luka: (on the phone) We'll have four minutes and thirty seven seconds to spend with each other. Do you think we should risk it, though? In case your father picks you up?
Adrien: (laughs) Not today. I know he's too busy. Besides, no one will tell him. (He looks to his bodyguard, who smiles back)
(Kagami and Adrien both arrive in front of the school and exit their cars. As they walk inside, Argos watches them from the school rooftop)

Scene: Gabriel's lair. Gabriel lies on a special machine that uses the Kwamis' energy to try to heal his Cataclysm wound. Nathalie tried to increase the machine's power, but it gives out.

Roaar: Ugh... did no one ever tell you that stealing others' energy against their will isn't nice?
Kaalki: I told you. No magic can heal this wound.
Barkk: A Chat Noir Cataclysm can't be healed!
Gabriel: Who said anything about healing? All I need is time. More time to seize Coccinelle and Chat Noir's Miraculous. Then I could wish for anything. I could fix everything. Save my wife! You too, Nathalie. And save myself...
Tomoe: You're forgetting my part of the deal, Gabriel-san. As always, you're losing yourself in sentimental trifles. Our vision of the future is much bigger than that. We are connected, just like our children. They were made for each other, and I will not tolerate another glitch in our plan. Whether it be Adrien's cousin, that Félix boy, or this Luka Couffaine who keeps looking around your son, my daughter's behavior is exemplary and I expect the same from your descendant. (She points her shinai at Gabriel's stomach)
Gabriel: I promise you I'm going to regain control over Adrien and seize all the Miraculous. Coccinelle's, Chat Noir's, and the Peacock. As it turns out, Félix had the bright idea of leaving this behind during his last visit.
(He hands Tomoe the special high-tech lens Félix dropped during his investigation of the manor in "Risk")
Tomoe: Interesting.

Scene: In front of Collège Françoise Dupont. Adrien and Kagami leave the school after fencing class. Luka rides up to them on his bike.

Luka: You know what, Adrien? No more hiding! That's over! I've been doing some thinking and we shouldn't have to hide! (He notices Kagami) Oh, hey Kagami! How are you?
Kagami: Hello, Luka. I'm fine, thank you.
Adrien: I'm sorry, Luka, it's my fault. I just couldn't talk to my father.
Luka: Don't apologize, babe. You shouldn't have to do this alone. Your dad doesn't have a problem with you anymore, he's even become super cool, making you pancakes, giving you all the freedom you need. He's come such a long way and that's amazing. But he does have a problem with me all of a sudden. I don't know what could've changed his opinion on me...
Kagami: You're right to want to talk to Adrien's father. (She sees her car arrive) I also have been running away from my responsibilities for too long.
(The car door opens. Tomoe is waiting for her daughter inside)
Kagami: It is time I talk to my mother. (She gets inside the car)
Tomoe: You kept me waiting, Kagami.
(Tatsu drives off, and Adrien's car pulls up right after)
Adrien: (sighs) Four minutes and thirty seven seconds goes by fast.
Luka: (grabs Adrien's hand) Once I've convinced your father, we won't have to count the seconds anymore. Everything is gonna be okay.
(The two enter the car together)
Luka: (to the bodyguard) Hello. How are you?
Adrien: Everything is going to be okay, don't worry.

Scene: Agreste mansion. The car arrives at the mansion. Gabriel watches from his atelier as the two teenagers get out of the car and walk inside.

Scene: Agreste's kitchen. Gabriel prepares food as the couple walks inside.

Gabriel: Ah! Perfect timing, you two, I hope you're hungry.
Adrien: Dad, Luka and I need to tell you something.
Gabriel: Of course, of course. Luka, are pancakes okay for you?
Luka: Uhh... yes, sir.
Gabriel: Adrien, how was practice?
Adrien: Great, dad.
Gabriel: (to Luka) His practice always goes great. Adrien, you may leave us now, please. I think Luka and I will be more comfortable talking alone.
Adrien: But I'd rather stay here with Luka...
Gabriel: Adrien, I'm your father. I'm asking you to go up to your room.
(Adrien walks out with a sad expression on his face)
Gabriel: I'm listening, Mr. Couffaine.
Luka: Well... uh...

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