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Scene: Lila's room. Lila is seen sitting on her bed, talking to someone through her Alliance ring.

Lila: Sorry, Mother. I can't put you on video. We're in the savanna. The connection's just too unstable. I gotta go! I have to free a baby rhino from a poacher's snare. I'll call you at seven P.M., Paris time. Love you!
Lila's second mother: (on the phone) Oh, you're so wonderful, sweetie. Love you too!
(Lila hangs up the phone as her other "mother" enters the room. She begins talking to her in sign language)
Lila's third mother: (in sign language) "Who were you talking to, angel?"
Lila: (while doing hand signs) Oh, I was talking to my agent, Mom. I was telling him I'm going to miss you while we're shooting the movie in Mexico.
Lila's third mother: (in sign language) "Oh, you're already going so far back when we just met."
Lila: (while doing hand signs) Yes, I know. We've just reunited, Mom. But I'll be back soon.
Alliance Lila: Lila, painting class starts in fifteen minutes.

Scene: On the streets. Lila walks confidently as she passes by Parisians who are using the Alliance with herself as their avatar.

Alliance Lila: Your taxi will be arriving in three minutes, Quentin.
Kid: Alliance, can you please call Mommy?
Alliance Lila: The next screening is at 11:30AM.
(Lila walks past Mr. Ramier)
Alliance Lila: The Place des Vosges square is 0.2 miles away, Mr. Ramier.
(Lila flips her hair and comes to a stop next to another Parisian with her Alliance)
Parisian: Please, Alliance. When will the next bus be here?
Alliance Lila: Three minutes.
Lila: Phew. I won't miss my flight to New York.
Parisian: (gasps) The real Alliance! Can we take a selfie?
Lila: (nods) Of course!
(Lila and the Parisian take a photo together. A bus stops in front of them, and they board as the door opens)
Parisian: (to Lila) Thanks!
Bus driver: Please, Alliance. Show me the road construction ahead.
Alliance Lila: Construction reported in 800 meters on Rue du Quai.
Lila: Oh, where has my brain gone — I forgot my wallet!
Bus driver: Oh! Alliance... in person?! Come on, get on! Today, you ride for free!
Lila: Aww!
(Once seated, Lila tells her fellow passengers one of her made-up stories)
Lila: Of course, being coached by an Olympic gold medalist would've been awesome! But I had to turn it down. Pro-tennis wouldn't have left time for my charity work.
(Lila gets off the bus, arriving in front of the school. She spots a penny on the pavement and picks it up)
Lila: There are days like this when everything just goes so well. (She puts the penny in her purse and starts to walk again)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, in the Art classroom.

Sabine: It's wonderful how fast you adapt, Lila. You've only been here for a few weeks, but it's like you've always been part of the class!
Lila: The credit goes to you, Sabine. I'm just glad Marinette suggested your class to me!
Sabine: I'm just glad she has a friend like you to share things with.
Alliance Lila: Warning: your Alliance will restart to install an update. This will only take a moment.
Alliance Kagami and Adrien: Update complete. Welcome!
Alliance Kagami: We are Kagami and Adrien.
Alliance Adrien: From now on, we will be the ones making your daily life easier.
Alliance Kagami and Adrien: Because together, we're always stronger!
(Every person in the class turns to look at Lila, who is enraged by the Alliance update. She takes a deep breath and coyly comes up with another story)
Lila: Oh, right! The update! I actually wanted to tell you today. Taking this class has been an eye-opener for me. I'm tired of the fame and all my superficial connections to people in the world. I suggested this avatar change. This way, I'll be able to fully dedicate myself to my passion for my painting, among real friends! Thank you, Sabine! (She embraces Sabine) You're like a mother to me.
(Sabine hugs her back. The class gives a round of applause for Lila's speech)

Scene: The Agreste mansion, in Gabriel's atelier. Gabriel stands in front of his monitor. Suddenly, his left arm experiences a stabbing pain. He takes off his glove and reveals that the cataclysm is already consuming his hand. Nathalie enters the room.

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