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Scene: Shadow Moth's lair. Gabriel is following translated instructions from the Miraculous spellbook, trying to fix the Peacock Miraculous.

Nathalie: (voice-over) Dust from the sky, now precious, will fix the wings of the injured animal. Combine the molten gold with the meteorite powder. Then, add the peacock feather.
Gabriel: Miraculous, repair yourself! (The miraculous glows and hovers, then lands in his hand repaired) It's perfect, as good as new! Now it's completely safe to use. (He puts the Miraculous on)
Duusu: (appears from the Miraculous) Wow, I feel so much better! What happened? Huh? Nooroo! (She hugs Nooroo) Oh wow, everything was so chaotic in my head, like a nightmare where I'd fallen into very bad hands!
Nooroo: Sorry, old friend, but I'm afraid the nightmare is not over yet. (He points to Gabriel, who is now wearing both Miraculous)

[Transformation Sequence]

Gabriel: Nooroo, Duusu, Unify! (Gabriel transforms into Shadow Moth)

Scene: Luka's room. Luka is looking at the Miracle Box

Luka: So... they all live in there?
Tikki: Yes, except for Nooroo and Duusu, who are being held captive by the bad guys.
Luka: Master Fu never let them out?
Tikki: (playing with a mini guitar Luka gave her) Only Kwamis like me who have a holder like you can go out into the human world, Luka.
Luka: But... (He takes the box in his hands) -isn't it a bit cramped in there?
Tikki: Oh no! There's a whole parallel world inside! Of course, being out here is much more interesting. You humans are so inventive!
(Luka notices a button on the top of the box, and pushes it, causing all the kwamis to be freed)
Luka: I thought they couldn't get out?
Tikki: Now that you and Chat Noir are the Guardians, the box has become just like the two of you! Full of surprises! That's amazing!
Mullo: (snatches Tikki's mini guitar) Thanks Tikki!
Tikki: Hey! Luka got that for me! (She chases after Mullo)
Luka: (sees Trixx looking in a diary) Hey, that's my sister's! (He tucks the diary away in a drawer)
Daizzi: (bouncing on an on/off switch of a desk lamp) Day! Night! Night! Day!
Ziggy: (holding Luka's phone) Wow! It makes music, I love music!
Luka: (tries and fails to grab the phone away, trips) Careful with my phone!
Kaalki: (phases through window and looks out to the street in awe) Oh my, you have to see this! The carts are all moving on their own! There isn't a single horse here to pull them- (She's grabbed by Luka)
Kid: (pointing at the scene in disbelief) Look, mom!
Luka: (pulls Kaalki closer, pretending she's a toy) Cool toy right?
(He closes the window and sits down, exhausted by the Kwamis' antics. At the desk, Stompp and Xuppu jump on the keyboard, which turns on the news)
Nadja Chamack: (on computer) The city of Paris is getting ready to celebrate famous Prince Ali's birthday!
Luka: Careful, guys! (He turns the computer back off) Alright, we're gonna have to set some ground rules.
Orikko: Like what?
Luka: Well, for starters, you guys can't just come out and zip around whenever you want. My sister and I share this room, and she doesn't know I'm Coccinelle. Secondly, don't mess with her stuff, I don't want anything to end up broken.
Roarr: Aww! That's no fun!
Barkk: You're not gonna keep up locked inside the Miracle Box all the time, are you?
Luka: Of course not, I would never do that. But if you want to come out, you'll have to make sure nobody else is in the room, ok?
Wayzz: It sounds perfectly reasonable to me, Luka.
Luka: Thanks, Wayzz. Besides, I'm sure you'll be able to have a little more freedom at Adrien's when it's his turn to watch you guys anyway. Does that sound good to everyone?
Kwamis: Yeah! Woohoo!
(Suddenly, a large rumble shakes the houseboat)
Pollen: What was that?
Luka: I don't know, but it can't be good.
Tikki: Should we go investigate, Luka?
Luka: Definitely. Come on, Tikki. The rest of you: try not to make a mess while we're gone, and don't let anyone see you.
Longg: You can count on us, Luka-San.
Luka: Thanks, guys. Tikki, spots on!

Scene: Coccinelle yo-yos to Montparnasse Tower. He sees Mr. Pigeon in the distance and goes to check his voicemail.

Chat Noir: (on voicemail) Hey you, Bugaboo! Well, here I am, your faithful companion at our rendezvous point just like always. It's time for our daily patrol, I hope you haven't forgotten!
(Behind Coccinelle, Chat Noir sneaks up behind him while he is completely distracted)
Chat Noir: Buga-Boo!
(Coccinelle reflexively throws him)
Chat Noir: Waaah!
Coccinelle: (realizing) Chat Noir? (He catches his leg with his yoyo)
Chat Noir: Wah! (Heslams into the window of the tower, cracking it) Oof!
Coccinelle: Sorry, Chat Noir; reflexes. Did I hurt you?
Chat Noir: (answering while hanging by the yo-yo) M'Bug, the only thing that really hurts me is when you make me go on patrol by myself. (He sighs, relaxing his posture) I missed you though.
Coccinelle: I missed you too. Sorry, Kitty Cat, I didn't mean to leave you hanging. I'm a bit over my head at the moment with the Kwamis. (He pulls him up)
Chat Noir: I bet! Now that we're Guardians, we've got a lot of extra responsibilities. We'll have to figure out a schedule for babysitting duty.
Coccinelle: (helping him up, laughing) I promise, I won't ever forget our patrols again.
(Chat Noir winks at him, and both head to defeat the villain)
Chat Noir: Woohoo!

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