Transmission: The Kwamis' Choice, Pt 1

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Scene: The Liberty. Juleka is getting ready for school, when she notices Luka still in bed.

Juleka: Are you ok? We're going to be late if we don't head out soon.
Luka: I'm fine, I just- I'm just having one of those days, yknow...
Juleka: Alright. I'm gonna get going then. You gonna be ok?
Luka: I'm fine, Jules...
Juleka: You sure? Mom already left for the day.
Luka: I'll be fine, sis. Really. Just go.
(Juleka frowns and places a kiss on her brother's forehead)
Juleka: (to Tikki) Take care of him, ok?
Tikki: You got it!
(Juleka leaves for school, closing the door behind her)
Tikki: Are you ok, Luka?
(Luka groans in response)
Tikki: You can't stay in your room forever, yknow. What will you do if an akumatized villain shows up?
Luka: (removes his earrings) Just give my Miraculous to my sister, Tikki. I can't focus with all this guilt... I'm so pathetic...
Tikki: Of course not! You're an amazing Coccinelle!
Luka: An amazing Coccinelle wouldn't have let Monarch take the miraculous... An amazing Coccinelle wouldn't have almost been akumatized...
Tikki: You're overreacting, Luka!
(Luka buried his face in his pillow. Suddenly, his phone starts ringing. Adrien's caller ID can be seen)
Tikki: It's Adrien, your boyfriend! He's a superhero too. He'll know how to make you feel better!
Luka: I don't want to bother him with it...
(He hides under his blanket as his phone continues to ring, making Tikki frown)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, in Ms. Bustier's classroom. Adrien is seen calling Luka.

Luka's voicemail: (feebly) Hey, it's Luka. Leave your message after the beep...
Adrien: He's not picking up.
Chloé: Don't worry, Adrikins; I'm sure he's fine. Juleka said he just needed some time to himself, remember?
Ms. Bustier: Juleka, would you mind taking this homework to Luka, please?
Juleka: Oh- um... I actually won't be going home for a while; I'll be with Rose. But maybe Adrien...?
Ms. Bustier: Adrien, would you mind taking this homework to Luka, please?
Adrien: Yes, of course. (He takes the folder from Ms. Bustier)

Scene: Outside Collège Françoise Dupont. Adrien makes his way to the houseboat.

Adrien: Looks like Luka is feeling guilty over the miraculous again.
Plagg: And I'm sure almost getting akumatized didn't help his mood.
Adrien: You're probably right. Ugh, I can't believe we were so reckless! Going out together when one of us was transformed and the other wasn't? It only lead to disaster! It was terrible!
Plagg: It was.
(Adrien stops walking as he arrives at the houseboat)
Adrien: I'm going to do everything I can to cheer him up.

Scene: The Liberty, in Luka's room. Luka is still lying in bed, when someone knocks on and opens his bedroom door.

Luka: Mom? Is that you?
Adrien: (chuckles) Afraid not. Sorry to disappoint, babe.
(Upon hearing Adrien's voice, Luka immediately sits up)
Luka: Adrien? You should be at school.
Adrien: So should you, Luka. Can I come in?
Luka: Of course... (He lies back down)
(Adrien puts down his school bag and sits on the end of Luka's bed)
Adrien: Looks like you're not doing too great.
Luka: I'm fine it's just- (He sighs) -another one of those days...
(As Luka and Adrien continue to talk, Tikki signals for Plagg to follow her and give the boys some space)
Adrien: You know, none of this is entirely your fault; I'm to blame just as much. We both made mistakes.
Plagg: (to Tikki) You can say that again.
Luka: I know, but... I can't help but feel responsible.
Adrien: Trust me, I do too...
Tikki: But what happened that day wasn't your fault! Monarch used Risk to cloud your judgment; you weren't thinking clearly!
Plagg: Yeah, otherwise it would've been obvious what a bad idea getting Félix was!
Luka: It's just... hard not to blame myself, I guess... It just seems so obvious what we could've done now that it's happened... I feel like such a failure...
Adrien: You're not, though. We both did everything we could've.
(Luka sits in silence)
Adrien: You know... I'll always love you, and I'll always be here for you. We've been through so much, and we've always managed to get through it. Together. This time won't be any different.
(Luka starts to silently cry, so Adrien lays down next to him and wraps him in an embrace)

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