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Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, Ms. Bustier's Classroom. Ms. Bustier hands career questionnaires to Marinette.

Denis Damocles: Your class representative, Marinette, is going to be handing you a questionnaire to fill out regarding your study options after school.
(Marinette begins to distribute the questionnaires)
Chloé: Utterly useless! I already know what I want to be when school is over: rich, because I'm already rich. And the baker girl, well, the baker girl. Oh, just plain ridiculous! Yes, being ridiculous would be right up your alley, Marinette Dupain-Cheng!
(Marinette stares angrily at her)
Ms. Bustier: You know, Chloé, people are defined by their choices and what they decide to do with their lives. That's why I'm asking you to start defining yourselves by deciding what you want to do later on. It's not just about your future careers, but also what you want out of your life.
Mr. Damocles: If some of you aren't sure yet about what you want to do, the Paris Career Expo will be held this weekend in various locations throughout the city! You'll meet professionals who will tell you about their careers!
Ms. Bustier: (pulls a map up) The document that Marinette just handed you includes a map of Paris with the locations of each career booth.
Mr. Damocles: I would add that you should never let the context impose your costume on you. You should choose your costume yourself! Speaking of which, I, myself, will be present at the charity stand as... (He zooms out the door and comes back as The Owl) The Owl! Hoo-hoo! Your daily righter of wrongs!

Scene: The Agreste mansion, in Adrien's room. Adrien looks sadly at his career booklet.

Plagg: Don't you wanna continue to model?
Adrien: I don't think so, Plagg. I'm doing it now because my father asks me to, and I realize now I don't know what else I wanna do. I never ask myself that question.
Plagg: What do you think of Chat Noir as a career?
Adrien: Well, it's not like Shadow Moth will be around forever.
Plagg: Don't worry, I will always be here for you. Hey, if you want, we could even open a cheese shop together! Just imagine... "Plagg and Chat Noir's Fromagerie"!
Adrien: You can't eat cheese if you're trying to sell it.
Plagg: Oh, you're right. Good point. What's a job where you get to eat cheese, then?
Adrien: Why don't we start by visiting the food trade booths? (He grabs his bag) Come on, Plagg, it's time to think about our future!

Scene: Luka's room. Luka fills out his career booklet as Tikki and Pollen watch.

Pollen: What's a career, dear Guardian?
Luka: It's your job, Pollen; something really important that you do and gives meaning to your life.
Roaar: Oh! So, your job is being the Guardian of the Miraculous!
Mullo: Of course not! It's being a student!
Luka: Well-
Ziggy: You guys don't get it! What gives meaning to his life is to be in love with Adrien, that's his job!
Kaalki: His real career is being Coccinelle and to carve his name in history by his glorious deeds, of course!
Sass: Silence, kwamis! Let's listen to the guardian. Luka, what is the real important thing that will bring meaning to your life?
Luka: (chuckles) While all of those are true, you can't make a living off them. My dream is to be a stringed instrument maker; that way I can help people express themselves through music.
Tikki: Like you do?
Luka: Exactly, Tikki. In fact, I'm in charge of a booth where I tell people all about it. In fact, we should start heading there now, we don't want to be late. Bye everyone! Come on, Tikki.
(Tikki flies into Luka's jacket as he leaves)

Scene: Île aux Cygnes, at the Paris Career Expo. Alec is hosting a reality TV show.

Alec: Welcome to "You Gotta Be Kidding"! Today, we're live at the Paris Career Expo, where I'm gonna be introducing you to the most pointless jobs ever! And to start off, here's a perfect example: André, the Ice Cream Maker! The ice cream man that is never around?! Let me remind you how this goes: André doesn't have a shop, no one knows where he is, it takes forever to find him, and he gets to pick the flavor of your ice cream! You've gotta be kidding, André! (to André) Give me one reason why I should bother to chase after you when I could get my choice of ice cream in any corner supermarket!
(The crowd laughs)
André: Well, people don't just come for ice cream when they find me. They come to share their love and experience a magical moment! A supermarket cannot do what I do! I am a creator of magical moments!
Alec: "Creator of magical moments?" You've gotta be kidding! That's not a real job!
André: You're right, dear Alec. It's not a job, it's a career!
(The crowd is taken aback at what André has said)
André: But you found me today! I have some ice cream just for you: lime for the sourness you show on the outside, and chocolate cinnamon for the sweet dreams that still live inside of you! One day, you too will figure out what you really want to be!
Alec: (to the cameraman) Cut! CUT!
(He and the cameraman walk away, and Adrien approaches André)
Adrien: André, how did you know that making ice cream would be your job?
André: My dear Adrien, being an ice cream man isn't a job; I used to have a job. Every morning, I would wake up and do something I didn't like doing. The only enjoyable moment of my day was when I would come home and concoct ice cream flavors that suited my mood. Until one day, in the same way that ice cream enchanted my daily life, I wondered if my true calling would be to try and enchant other people's lives, too! That's what a truly successful career is: a blend of flavors of what you can do, what you love to do, and what you can bring to others! (He gives Adrien an ice cream) Strawberry and cherry for the indecisive young man, pistachio and pecan for the clear sighted one.
Adrien: Who-
Luka: (walks up behind him) Hey, babe.
Adrien: Luka! You startled me!
Luka: (chuckles) Sorry, I didn't mean to.
André: (hands an ice cream to Luka) Here you go, boys. Enjoy your day!
Adrien: You too, André! Thank you.
Luka: (simultaneously) Thanks!
(Luka and Adrien walk off while eating their ice cream)

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