The voice of Scarlett's cries intensified, mirroring the pounding sensation in my chest. Anxiety caused my chest to constrict. At only eighteen years old, Scarlett was not capable of remaining composed. I swallowed hard, shifting my gaze to Killian, who was now lustfully looking at the swell of my chest with his pale blue eyes.

"I-I will marry you, just let her g-go," I whispered lowly, accepting whatever fate had decided for me. "I promise, I-I swear." My glistening eyes held his as I tried to not shiver as his eyes lowered to my lips.

Ralph released a slight chuckle before getting up from the table and making his way towards us. With each step, his demeanor resembled that of a predator carefully trailing its prey. In a relaxed manner, he proceeded to unbutton his suit jacket and loosen his tie.

"Well, that's unfortunate..." Ralph grinned. He 'grinned'. No. No, no, no! As he walked towards Scarlett, my chest resounded loudly. He crouched down and placed a finger beneath her chin, gently raising her head to make her gaze meet the untamed intensity in his eyes. With a wide grin on his face, he tilted his head to the side.

"Your skin is so soft, it's a shame I'd have to cut you up." I struggled against Killian's grasp, but he tightened his arm around my waist and drew me closer to him. My back against his firm chest, he rested his head on my shoulder and gazed at Ralph in front.

Scarlett trembled, her eyes widened in fear as beads of sweat streamed down her neck and forehead. Her hands were bound behind her back and her hair was disheveled, clinging to her face. Scarlett was my little sister, I never let a insect hurt her and Ralph was talking about cutting her up. I wanted to throw up. I was angry at myself. Why? WHY ME?!

Scarlett's face paled as she shook her head violently. "No, please! PLEASE! NO!"

Killian's audible laughter revealed his amusement as he firmly pressed his pelvis against my rear. "You'd do anything for her, right?" I stilled as I swallowed hard trying to see what was going on in his head. Expect for wild lurking danger and amusement, I couldn't read him.

I winced at his fingers pressing into my side and noticed a sudden absence of amusement in his eyes as he quickly turned his head towards me in response to my silence. My eyes widened as he cursed under his breath.

"Not that a hard question, Schmetterling."

I swallowed hard as his pale blue eyes darkened into midnight darkness. "Yes." I murmured against the terror in my voice.

"Debatable..." Killian moved in for a close snuggle. I could sense his warm breath, causing my skin to prickle with goosebumps. "And you think she feel same about you?"

"What're you talking about?" I squinted in his arms. The bulging muscles of biceps flexing under the tight suit. He wore a smug smile on his face as he briefly squeezed me and then pushed me ahead. My breath caught in my throat as I fell onto my knees, just a short distance away from Scarlett and Ralph.

Looking up, I found myself temporarily blinded by the sight of a dazzling pair of shoes glistening in the light. It was then that Scarlett emitted a distraught and piercing cry, her voice filled with sheer panic and terror, my heart began pounding uncontrollably, and my breath quickened, escalating to a point where I was hyperventilating. The fear coursing through my veins was unmistakable and overwhelming, for I knew in that moment that something grave and menacing was about to occur. Glimpsing the gun being drawn by Alexei, it became crystal clear that we were in imminent danger, causing my entire body to tremble with dread and anticipation for what was to come.

"Please, don't! RARA, DON'T LET THEM KILL ME!" She thrashed harder.

"Relaxxxx." Killian laughed, moving closer to me and then crouching down beside me. Ralph released Scarlett from her restraints while she massaged her wrists, clearly bearing red marks from them. More tears continued to pour down her face as she attempted to retreat, but Ralph fisted her hair and forced her to move forward.

Alexei placed the gun between us. "Whoever shoots the granted freedom."

I stared at him with disbelief, unwilling to accept anything he said. It was hard to believe that he was serious. Unwilling to accept it, I locked eyes with Alexei and all doubts disappeared. It became clear that he was indeed serious, as he tilted his head and nodded towards the gun. "Don't disappoint me, красивый."

I struggled to breathe. I found it hard to inhale. There was a tight sensation in my chest, and the choker I wore around my neck seemed to be depriving me of oxygen. Shifting my gaze downwards, I noticed the presence of a gun on the ground. Deep down, I knew there was no way I could ever harm Scarlett by pulling the trigger. "I know what you're trying to do-"

As I caught sight of a movement in my peripheral vision, I abruptly halted. A chill ran down my spine as I witnessed Scarlett seizing the deadly weapon. My eyes widened as I looked at her. "Scarlett..."

"I-I'm so sorry, Rara," she cried, her voice choked with tears, while she kept the gun pointed at me. "I...I don't wanna die. I can not die."

Each inhale felt like a strenuous task, as if my chest was being weighed down by an invisible force. The lack of oxygen was suffocating, leaving me gasping for air, my throat raw and tight.

My surroundings seemed to close in on me, the walls narrowing and constricting my already constricted airways. "Scar...Scarlett..."

"I'm sorry!" Scarlett shut her eyes as she pulled the trigger.

"That's so much fun!" Killian beamed clapping his hands together.

Scarlett stared at the gun in confusion before a scream left my mouth as blood splattered all around, painting the white wedding dress I adorned. Suddenly, another scream erupted from my mouth as Scarlett's lifeless body collapsed to the ground. Ralph flipped the paperweight in his hand and smashed it against Scarlett's head, abruptly hushing her cries.

I lost my voice.

"You see what your problem is, Schmetterling," I felt Alexei hissing let out a hiss as Ralph wiped his bloody hands over his suit jacket. The crimson colour blending with dark fabric. "You never learn. You never 'fucking' learn." Killian said walking around me, I lost my senses. I couldn't hear, voice out or feel anything. Anything at all. Expect Scarlett's smashed head and blood splattered all around that terrorised me. Her dead eyes starting at me, a part of her head missing. She was dead. Dead. Because of me. One more murder on my conscience.

I remained unfazed when Killian forcefully grabbed my bicep and pulled me up. I held my breath as his arm possessively encircled my waist, and his hand slid down my side towards my thigh, skimming along the slit before continuing upwards until it reached the tweezers concealed in the hem of my underwear. Killian let out a chuckle.

"Naughty, naughty girl." I didn't feel anything as Ralph grabbed my thumb and pressed it against the blood on his hands. My body was not shaking anymore.

"Grab the papers." I heard Alexei's faint voice through the haze. The only images that appeared in my mind were Scarlett's lifeless eyes and the sight of blood stained across my white 'wedding' gown as my eyes rolled back and I let unconsciousness engulf me. I embraced the tranquility that it offered, allowing myself to detach from the burdens of reality and simply exist in a state of blissful oblivion, where even the familiar worries of their cruelty ceased to exist, if only for a moment.

The book is 53+ chapters on GoodNovel!

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