Chapter Fifty-Three

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Liam's POV:

I'm about to blow. I'm still standing where we were when Car just let loose on Ginny and my pants are so tight that I think it has cut circulation off to my brain and I can't move. I was serious when I said that I would drag her into the janitor's closet. I have no shame when it comes to showing my girl some love.

By the time I look at my surroundings, the boys and girls are already going through the front doors of the school. By the time I catch up, after I fixed my dick in my jeans, Carter was already at her locker. I sneak up behind her while wrapping my arms around her waist from behind and my head buried in her neck as I whispered, "I've never been so turned on while having my sex life so blatantly put on display. Come with me, baby."

She didn't even hesitate and we paid no attention to all of the looks we were getting to our destination. Once we got into the closet, she immediately jumped on me and I caught her under her thighs. I pressed up against the wall but I could feel a little bit of hesitancy in her actions. "What's wrong, baby?"

"What do you mean? I'm fine," she said as she tried to start kissing me again. I backed my face up and gave her a 'don't fuck with me' look. "I'm just...I'm just a little sore after last night and the multiple rounds this morning. I don't think I could go anymore rounds today. Are you mad?"

I gave her an incredulous look. "Baby, why would I be mad. Anytime you don't want to or don't feel like having sex, You just have to tell me. I will never be mad at you for taking the time and space that you need. No matter the reason. But... that won't stop me from getting in some extra heavy make-out time," I said while grinning at her now blushing face.

I can't believe this girl still gets all shy around me even after all the times I have now seen her naked. She needs to be taught a lesson so I pushed her against the wall and did just that with my lips.


Carter's POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about what I said to Ginny. I couldn't have been more than embarrassed after I put all my dirty laundry out to air. I have never been more bold in my life and I wasn't sure if I was proud of myself or humiliated. Kay told me it was the most badass thing she has ever witnessed and so did Molly when she finally caught up to me in class.

Today was my first day back so today was the first that Ginny has seen of Molly befriending me. I can't imagine what her thoughts were of me being with "her man" and with her "best friend". Let's be honest, she was only using Molly to make herself feel better by bossing her around. Molly has told me some stories and I cringe every time I try and find my once best friend among them.

Sitting at lunch, I can feel a glare centralized on the right side of my face coming from Ginny's table and yet, I can't find it within myself to care that I aired her dirty laundry along with mine. I was sitting with Molly while waiting for the rest of the group to show up and when they did, Ginny's glare got worse.

"Why does she look like she's an inch away popping a vessel on her forehead?" Kay asked while she walked up and sat next to Molly with Loki on her other side. "What's the story between you two?"

"Well," I started as Liam sat down next to me and kissed my cheek. "Ginny used to be my best friend. We became friends shortly after you guys moved. We did everything from sleepovers to sharing homework answers, etc. We were inseparable. Then, my mom got sick. I was so invested into everything with my mom that I barely spent any time with Ginny. One day after I left the hospital, I came home and Ginny was walking out my front door. I was so confused as to why she was there.

"She was weird when I asked her why she was at my house when I had been at the hospital for a few hours. She said that she had come over to get my homework answers for the following day. I gave them to her, she gave me a grim smile and told me she was sorry about what I was going through with my mom. When my mom died, she became distant and so had my father. Not too long later, the abuse started with my dad.

"I went to Ginny to confide in her and she shut me out and told me to stop being so dramatic. That was the first time I had gone home and cut myself. I said I wouldn't do again but then a couple days later, that changed. I had gone to Ginny again to confide in her about the cutting and to ask for some help in the form of maybe me staying at her house for a couple of days.

"She laughed in my face and said that it was my fault that I was being 'abused' and that I was cutting for attention. Then, the rumors started. People were saying that I had somehow killed my mom because I was in the bed with her when she passed. I was so distraught that I ran to the bathroom and tried to dial Ginny's number to have her talk me down since I had no one else.

"As I was dialing her number, the bathroom door opened and I put my hand over my mouth to cover my sobs. I heard a phone ringing and then a sigh. I can still remember what had had happened,"



"She probably killed her own mother because she was in the bed with her. Maybe she suffocated her," a boy I had class with said while pointing at me.

"I heard that her mother just gave up because she didn't really have much to fight for," a girl giggled back. Tears gathered in my eyes as I stood by my locker but why would any of these people care? They don't know me. I need Ginny to help me calm down from the impending panic attack.

I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall and dug my phone from my bag. I dialed Ginny's number but it went to voicemail. I tried again and sobbed harder. The door swung open and so I covered my mouth to not be discovered. I heard a phone ringing and a sigh.

"Ugh, can't this bitch get a clue? I'm done with her!" Ginny? I hung up and tried calling again and her phone rang again. She rejected the call again and turned to her friends Missy and Abby who giggled when she blocked my number.

"Now, let's see the bitch try and get through my blocked numbers list. She is so fucking pathetic. You know her mom just gave up fighting for her because she didn't feel the need to fight for a useless daughter, right?" She asked them.

"How do you know?" One of them asked.

"Oh I have my ways," with that they left the room and I fell to the ground hyperventilating.


"How do you think she knew information and why she made up all those lies?" Molly asked. She wasn't at our school yet when the incident happened.

"Because I believe she is and has been sleeping with my father" I said.


A/N: I didn't really edit this chapter. As I said on my page, my son had his tonsils out and we are in the hospital overnight so I wasn't sure I'd get a chapter out or not but I got one done while he was in the playroom! Hope this was good for ya'll! Please Vote or comment! It helps me know ya'll are enjoying the story!

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