'•.¸♡ YEAR 7 ♡¸.•'

190 4 16

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-ˋˏ CHAPTER 34 ˎˊ-


  .・゜゜・[Y/N] POV

Today wasn't as bright as I had hoped. The sun wasn't out and instead was hidden behind a thick blanket of dark toned clouds. From those clouds, came rain. And thankfully, it had been the weekend. So I didn't have to spend another class with Umbridge nagging at me. I'm sure Harry felt the same.

For the day off, I had went out. Hopeful that Umbridge would stay inside. I'd woken up before the rest of the girls in the dorm, meaning I had also missed breakfast. Something I deeply regret right about now. 

My travels had led me down the stairs towards the boathouse. The only place in Hogwarts that's empty all day long. I stopped a few flights up, settling myself under a well-built, stone gazebo. Plants hung and wrapped around the legs, keeping it propped up against the rounded end of the stairs. 

Below, I had the perfect view of the Black Lake. Under the rain it tended to look more haunted than it was. It always deemed itself a mystery to me, ever since first year. Given, the twins and I almost fell in. I continued to watch as the lake stilled with the large shadow over the shallow edges. 

Looking down, I noticed how close to the bottom I was from here. Where the lake reached the tip of the rocks. It swayed easily as the rain continued calmly. Many times before I had looked down, I imagined myself jumping from the side of the gazebo. Tempted to haul myself over the railing and over the other side. 

Not as an attempt of suicide. But as an attempt for fun. Freedom, even. 

I leaned further forward. Arms crossed as my elbows continued to support my weight against the stone railing. The pitch black water still swayed. Like a dance it's repeated all too much.

''I hope your not planning to jump.'' 

I shrugged. ''And if I said I was?'' 

An arm hung over my shoulder. Slender fingers tracing along my jaw to turn my head to him. I cooperated, allowing the pads of his fingers to gently push my head one direction. 

''I'd rather you consult with me about it, first.'' Fred smiled, then dropped his arm. Now copying my position against the railing. ''You been out here all day?''

''Mostly.'' I shrugged. Feeling the chill of the breeze brushing past my clothed arms. ''Better than being with Umbridge, that's for sure.''

Fred gave a nod with a chuckle. He turned back to look out the lake. His fingers tapped against the stone in a smooth yet repetitive rhythm. I couldn't tell whether it was because he was cold, thinking or nervous. Possibly all three. 

''I thought you'd be inside.'' I spoke up. Breaking the silence between the two of us. Fred turned back to me. ''Selling products. It's the weekend, the perfect time to sell them. First years would be rounding the corners.'' 

I could see it. First years anxiously waiting around in the hallways to snag whatever Weasley's Product they deemed useful to them. Galleons being held between ghostly white knuckles. Their weight being distributed between their feet. 

And the twins. Endless supplies of pranking products, hand made. The Galleons piling up so high that they lost count on the second customer. Then again, I wouldn't imagine they'd count it, anyway. They'd make me to the math. 

Suddenly, Fred's arms were thrown in the air. ''That's what we planned to do!'' He argued, slamming his arms back down against the stone railing. Small drops of water had pelted down onto his fingers. ''But Professional Bitch Face was patrolling the hallways. We couldn't get a single Galleon!'' 

I winced. 

Of course Umbridge would've been the reason Fred was standing here under the gazebo and not inside selling his genius products with George. I could only imagine how down George felt right about now. 

I spoke my concerns. ''How's George dealing with it?''

''Last I seen him,'' Fred sighed. ''He was stuffing his face with Ronniekins.'' 

Poor George. 

The two of us sat in silence again. Fidgeting with my fingers, I enjoyed the short sensation of ice cold water against my skin. Although I was freezing to death and wouldn't admit it, the rain now running down my intricate hand had felt soothing. 

''And what about you?'' I turned my attention back to Fred. Still occupied by the droplet of water running down my knuckle, leading to the back of my hand. 

''Not any better.'' His tone was deflated. I averted my attention to the ginger, seeing his head down as he played with a leaf. Twisting it and slowly ripping it apart. ''If this keeps up, George and I won't be able to sell anything. And that dream of owning a shop?'' Fred scoffed. ''Done for.'' 

It hurt to see that Fred was partially giving up on the idea. I was also surprised. I didn't know a Weasley could do such a thing. Especially the twins. Even though things didn't look so good right now, didn't mean that they wouldn't later. Maybe Umbridge won't even be around much longer. 

For reassurance, I placed my hand on Fred's shoulder. He paused his meddling with the leaf. 

''Fred,'' He turned. Looking at me from the corner of his eye. ''Not everything will work out right away. That's the whole purpose of a dream or a goal. Obstacles will have to be hurdled and you can't give up just because there happens to be another in your way. Just because Umbridge has arrived, doesn't mean anything. You're Fred Weasley. Nothing stops you.'' 

Fred sighed. His fingers flexed and he let the — now demolished — leaf fall into the shallows of the Black Lake. Turning, he wrapped his arms around my shivering self. A warm embrace as my forehead propped against his chest. The calming sounds of his heartbeat reaching my ears.  His fingers danced along my back as his chin propped against my head. 

Few words were spoken as we stood under the gazebo in the rain. Fred lifted his head and turned down, pressing his lips to my forehead as a gentle kiss. A grateful gesture. 

''Thank you.''

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