86. *Fake Kidnapping*

Start from the beginning

"I was angry so angry with you. I was heartbroken because people would say you didn't love me and that's why you left." A lone tear fell from her eye. "But no matter what, I still had hope. Hope that you'd be back, that one day you'd come back to me." This time it was Sophia who let out a sob. "But that day never came. You never came back. And in the end, I finally accepted that you had never loved me, that I meant nothing to you."

Sophia shook her head on hearing that. "T-Thats not true my darling, that's not true." She sniffed. "I've always loved you. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that you felt this way."

Wiping the tears away with the back of her hand, Maya looked away from her mother, "It doesn't matter anymore." She then said. "Just tell me why I'm here."

Sophia had wanted to tell her everything, explain her everything but it looked like Maya didn't want to talk about past. So, for now Sophia would just tell her what she had wanted her to know.

"To protect you & keep you safe." Was all Sophia answered.

Maya looked back at her, still not used to the fact that her mother was actually right in front of her. "How is kidnapping me is equal to protecting me and keeping me safe?" She then said. "And by the way, you want to protect me from whom. I was safe, living with Massimo at his mansion." As Maya mentioned his name, she couldn't help but to wonder what he must've been going through, now that she wasn't there with him. She knew he must've been blaming himself and was getting very angry. Maya didn't like that thought.

"Massimo? You mean Massimo Alejandro Romano? The boss of italian mafia?" Sophia asked.

Maya could sense the tone of her mother's voice, the malice behind her words didn't go unnoticed by Maya. It didn't surprise her, after all Massimo had a reputation, and everyone feared him, but still someone saying his name like it was some venom, didn't set quite well with her.

"Yes, him." Maya simply answered.

Sophia looked at her daughter, she was looking for some kind of a sign which would tell her how that heartless man was treating her. But she only found her daughter looking so gorgeous in that gown she was wearing. She looked beautiful, her skin looked fine, so far Sophia couldn't find any mark or bruise that she had been expecting to see on her daughter. She was relieved but in a way confused because she had been expecting her daughter to be distressed and finally happy after getting out of the clutches of that man, but here she was instead saying that she had been living safely at his mansion.

"Now that if you don't have anything more to say, I'd like to leave." Maya immediately wanted to go back to Massimo and let him know she was fine.

"Where will you go?" Sophia asked but kinda already knowing the answer.

"Not that it matters to you, but still if you want to know, I'm going back to from where you kidnapped me." Maya replied, getting up from the bed.

"Wait. No, you can't back to him." Sophia stood up as well.

"And why do you think I'd listen to you?" Maya exclaimed. "Besides I'm not a kid anymore, I can very well make my own decisions." She then said. "And I don't know why you kidnapped me but I now want to go back, so excuse me." She started to walk towards the bedroom door.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now