59- Challenger

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Elijah and I walk in silence for a while, before I finally speak. "I hope you aren't actually expecting me to talk about the history of this town. I never really paid much attention to it outside of school." I say, looking over my shoulder. "Do not worry, I do not believe there is anything you could tell me about this town, that I do not already know. Afterall, I am over a thousand years old, Ms. Lockwood." He says with a smirk. "Figured as much. Anyway, since mom so kindly meddled, figured I'd take the time to thank you for last night. Although, I would've preferred the whole blood giving thing never happened." I say, stopping, and turning. "Not that I'm ungrateful, it's just.." I trail off, cringing at the fact I had drank his blood. "Not my thing." I say.

He nods his head. "Understandable. Although, you must understand, that had I not done so, you would have died of blood loss. Had that happened, I would have lost a vital role for luring out Klaus, and you would've lost the ability to protect your brother permanently. You mustn't be so reckless anymore, Ms. Lockwood." He says strictly. I nod and sigh. "I know, trust me. But when it comes to my brother, if there's any chance of a threat to his safety, I can't ignore it. I've...lost one too many people as it is.." I say, more to myself than him for the last part. I trail off as an image of Mason's smiling face, turns into the pained expression, of the last moment I saw him. Narrowing my eyes sadly, I close my eyes, and shake my head. "I won't let that happen again, not if I'm able to protect them.." I say to myself. Hearing this, Elijah snaps me out of my musings, by tilting his head curiously, and speaking. "You've lost someone?" He asks curiously. Hearing this, I quickly widen my eyes, finally realizing that I was still talking with him. Clearing my throat, I turn away. "It's nothing you need to know. Anyway, you said you wanted to see the garden, right? It's this way." I say, pointing to the right, before quickly walking in that direction, ignoring the feel of Elijah's curious gaze the entire way.

" I say, pointing to the right, before quickly walking in that direction, ignoring the feel of Elijah's curious gaze the entire way

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An hour later..

After showing Elijah the garden as mom had suggested, we returned to the house. Satisfied by the amount of time we spent together, she led him away to speak with the other guests she had invited, shortly after arriving back. While they were distracted, I had taken the chance to see if Tyler had returned sometime last night. But, unfortunately, as I looked upon his messy room, my search had proved useless. It was clear he hadn't come back last night. He must've stayed with them last night...I thought he'd at least come back to check on me, since according to Elijah, I almost died last night.. Sighing, I leave his room behind. Is it...because he's still mad at me about keeping Mason's death a secret..? Or.. I don't finish that sentence, refusing to entertain that mindset, and make my way back downstairs. As I reach the common room, I see Elijah and mom chatting amongst themselves. Deciding to leave them be, I go to turn away, but stop once I hear mom call out to Damon, who entered the room. At this, I quickly turn, and head towards mom. Although she would be safe, so long as Elijah was still there, I felt it was better I stayed close too.

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