We're forever

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"That's a negative," Clint says into the phone.

"Clint?" Kara calls softly, earning his attention before he nodded and said his goodbyes to his wife.

"Is she good?" Kara asks vaguely.

Clint sighed and said, "worried, concerned."

Kara nodded and handed the tablet over to him. "Strucker is down," she said as they walked to where the rest of the team congregated. He handed the tablet to the redhead who joined them.

"This is a smokescreen," Natasha said. "Why leave us a message after you just gave us a speech?"

"I'll ask him after I dismantle him in his entirety," Kara said, wiping her ear as she received a slight glare from her wife. She winked before becoming a little more serious.

Steve said, "Strucker had something on Ultron that he wanted us to see."

"Yeah, I bet " Natasha muttered as she pressed a few keys. "Everything we had on Strucker is gone."

Kara shook her head. "Not everything," she said, sharing a look with her brother.

After a while, they started searching through the hardcopy files. Kara insisted on keeping them even if Tony said keeping them was useless because all of the information was digitized; clearly those who thought she was overly paranoid were eating their words. However, instead of gloating over her small victory, she helped read through the files at super speed.

Steve muttered, "Strucker has plenty of friends."

"All terrible, I'm sure," Kara added as she set the file down. "Terrorists, human traffickers... it's a cesspool of humanity's darkest impulses." She tossed the file near Tony who caught it deftly.

"Wait," he said, picking up the file. "This guy! From back in the day. He operates off the African coast, black market arms." Steve shot him an accusing look. "There are conventions, alright? You meet people, I didn't sell him anything."

Tony scanned the picture and put it up on the monitor, showing it to everyone. "He was talking about finding something new, a game changer," Tony said. "It was all very 'Ahab.'"

Kara scoffed silently but didn't admonish her brother; she knew those days were over and even if she despised what their family name had become, it was too late now.

Thor points to a marking behind his neck. "Is that a tattoo?"

Kara used her telescopic vision to see the markings more clearly without moving from her position. "No, more like a brand," she said, correcting Thor.

Natasha asked, "What does it say?"

Bruce cross-references this to "Uh, 'thief' in a African dialect, but in a much less friendly way."

Steve asked, "What dialect?"

"Waka—" Bruce struggled to pronounce it.

"Wakandan," Kara spoke up, earning a look from her wife. "What?"

Natasha shakes her head. "Where is Wakanda? I've never even heard of this place."

"You wouldn't," Kara said. "They've cut themselves off from the rest of the world." She said. "If he stole something from Wakanda, then he stole their most singularly valuable resource." She said, with a pointed look at Steve.

"I don't understand what comes from Wakanda," Clint said confused.

Steve said, "Vibranium. The strongest metal on Earth."

Standing to her feet, Kara asked, "Where is this Klaue guy now? We need to get there because if Ultron wants to evolve, creating a body out of pure vibranium will surely do it."

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