A new sister?

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Tony stark 21 years old and had parents in the form of Howard and Maria stark.

His relationship with his father only deteriorated over the years, while his relationship with his mother grew from strength to strength. If anyone asked him why he had such a bad relationship with his father? He'd answer saying his father cared more about work than him or his family.

Everything his father did was to burden him with more and more responsibilities until he no longer obeyed. He didn't care. But if he was honest he wanted a father, someone who patted his back on a job well done, a father that lived in the now, not in the past. Not reliving the glory days with good ol' captain America and his war buddies.

He just wanted his dad to care.

So when he got a call that told him he needed to come home immediately from Jarvis. He feared the worst. His thoughts went to his mother , his father . Did something happen? Was there an accident? Jarvis would never call him if it wasn't important. So he dropped what he was doing and sped to his parents mansion in Malibu. Breaking all kinds of speeding limits, nearly crashing himself if not for a sharp turn. Heart racing , mind whirring with different scenarios. For a moment he hated that he was so distanced from his father . If his father died , he didn't think he could live with himself making his old man think that he hated him.

Haphazardly parking his sports car he ran through the doorway, out of breath and frankly unfit. Jarvis wasn't there to greet him, and more worries played in his head.

"Mom? Dad?" He called out. He waited a beat. Hoping the scenarios in his head was just that, in his head. When he heard footsteps , he let out an audible breath.

His fathers greying hairs came into view. And he finally breathed. Okay, his father wasn't dead, his father wouldn't look as calm as he did if something happened to his mother either. So scratch that off his metaphorical list of what ifs.

"What happened?" He asked without waiting. His nerves wrecked and he nearly died speeding to his home. His father said nothing and gestured him to follow. Pursing his lips , he wanted to shoot a sarcastic quip, but refrained. Instead he followed his father into the parlor room. Through the double doors, he walked in on a scene he hadn't even thought of. His mother was settled on a two seater couch, with a young girl in her arms. He blinked

"What is this? And who is she?" He asked rudely.

Maria tsked under her breath "Mind your manners Anthony."

Tony's expression fell slack at the reprimand and sighed , dropping his shoulders. He never liked fighting with his mother, she was almost always right and even if she wasn't she was right, woman, confusing and strange and gave him a headache.

"Okay..." he paused "Who is she?" He asked more kindly. He hoped this wasn't an affair his father had, he glanced at his father, there was something in his eyes that alluded to that but there was also something else. Fondness. A certain fondness he hadn't seen in a while unless it was directed to his mother. Everything in him wanted to scoff at it but when his gaze fell on the young girl. Her blue eyes staring into his brown. Something in him snapped, anger, hate , jealousy fell away. Suddenly he didn't quite care if his father was fond of this child because he'd  hate to admit it but he felt a connection with the young girl. Which in his honest opinion was ridiculous because he didn't even know her name. She couldn't possibly be his daughter either. He made sure to cover up with his nightly escapades.

Howard stepped forward. He laid a gentle hand on the young girls shoulder. Within days the younger girl crept into his heart. Even if her smiles and laughter was far in between , he couldn't help but feel a fondness for her, sympathize with the loss she felt. Not only her parents but everything she knew and who she was gone. It was sad, unbelievably so.

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