Shield Members When They Hit You During An Argument

Start from the beginning

The morning when Dean woke up, he had a huge headache. He didn't know where he was, when he looked around he saw he was in the bed fully clothed. He got up and looked around the house to notice you weren't there.

He didn't remember you saying anything about going to the arena. Come to think about it, he doesn't remember anything from last night.

Maybe you went to the gym. He went to the fridge and grabbed a beer. While he walked to the couch he noticed the remote on the floor, and the batteries nowhere to be seen. As well as a broken glass on the floor and that's when it hit him.

The glass fell from his hands as he sped through the house in search of his phone. "Oh fuck, shit, oh my god." He grabbed his phone and instantly called you, but you didn't pick up. He ran a hand over his face, letting out a sigh. He didn't know what to do.

He decided to call Seth for some advice. "Hey Deano, what's up? How ya feeling after last night?" Dean was quick to answer. "Man, I fucked up bad." Seth took notice of Dean's stressed voice. "Why, what happened?" Dean explained everything that happened and how you left.

"Dean, you're such a dumbass! You're lucky she didn't break up with you!" Dean stayed silent like a boy getting scolded by his Mom. "Don't say that please. I feel really bad, and I need y'all's help getting her back." Seth rubbed his forehead. "Okay, let me call Roman and tell him the situation."

The boys ended up meeting at a restaurant to talk things over. "I can't believe you actually hit her Dean, what were you thinking?" Roman scolded Dean. "I-I don't know. I was drunk, and I just wanted more, but she was nagging me and wouldn't let me get it.

Dean leaned back, his shaky voice known to his brothers. He bit at his nails while his leg bounced up and down. They could tell he was worried. Worried about his relationship. "Okay, what does she like?" Dean looked at them confused.

"What do you mean?" Roman shrugged his shoulders. "Well, what does she like to do? Does she like going out?" Dean quickly shook his head 'no.' "Oh no, she hates being in public, especially with all the fans." Roman took note of that in his head.

"Okay so inside. In your relationship, who does all the cooking?" Dean pouted. "Her, why?" A smile came to Seth and Roman's face as they looked at each other. "Good, because that means you're gonna cook her a homemade meal, all by yourself."

Dean's face planted onto the table. "No, I hate cooking." Roman slapped him on his neck. "Nope, you're gonna cook dinner, and apologize to her." Dean nodded his head, but knew deep down inside that he didn't want to, but he'd do anything to get you back.

Dean came back home to a dark, cold, empty house. It's never been like this. Usually it's a bright, smelling good, and full of energy, but with you gone it feels empty.

He went to the kitchen and fished him something to eat, which there were many options, but he didn't know how to cook that. You were always the one to cook for him. He grabbed a beer on the way and went to bed.

1 Weeks Later

It has been a week and Dean decided to get his act together. Cleaning the house, learning how to cook, he was ready for you to come back to where you belong.


He called you and to his surprise you answered. "Uh, hi." You sounded awkward as you spoke. "Hey, I just wanted to know if you could come back home. I need to show you something. I totally understand if you're not ready, or if you don't. Wanna talk to me again, but-" You cut off his rambling.

"Yeah Dean, I'll come back. Just give me an hour or 2." You hung up, leaving a smiling Dean. He quickly rushed to the room, fishing out the new outfit Seth and Roman got him.

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