I couldn't get anything out.

"What the fuck happened, Noa?" Vincent said, holding me to his body as he redirected his attention to her.

Now he seemed angry.

"It was an attack—"

"Yeah, clearly—but what the fuck was my sister doing in the middle of it," he cut her short, and it was clear he was only blaming her.

But it wasn't even remotely close to her fault.

If anyone was at fault here, it would be me.

I wanted to go there.

Vincent held me tighter, almost as if he were scared that I wasn't there to begin with, "How could you let this happen?" he asked, and I could tell his anger was growing. "Out of everyone here—how could you be the one to let this happen?" he reiterated, rubbing the matter in Noa's face completely.

And even hearing him blame this on her, sent fire through me—it made me want to interject.

But before I could, Noa said, "It was an attack. I don't know what you expect me—"

"I expect you to protect her, and not let her get caught in the middle of a fucking—"

"Stop," I cut him short, pulling out of his hold completely.

Vincent's dark eyes snapped to me, and just like that—the angry look was gone.

The only thing left on his face was pity.

"Stop blaming her when it's my fault—I'm the one who wanted to go there," I said, taking a few steps back from Vincent as anger began to consume me.

It was better than grief.

Noa shook her head, "You can't possibly think this is your—"

"But I'm the one that went back in," I cut her short, and for once my tense tone overpowered hers completely, "And I'm the one who..." I trailed off, taking in a deep breath as I pushed the sudden heaviness away.

Vincent took a step toward me, but before either he or Noa could say anything, I heard Arya's familiar voice echo through the halls.

"Lunden?" the familiar brunette called out, clearly worried as she ran over to us.

And before I could process it, Arya was pulling me into a hug—I swear it felt like I no longer needed hugs anymore.

It felt like I just needed some sort of distraction.

Anything to pull me away from the grief I was currently experiencing for someone I never knew.

Arya pulled back from the hug, "I just heard the news in the training—are you okay?" she asked, and it was clear she was worried just by how rushed her words were.

I chose not to answer the simple question.

I didn't want to lie, but I also wasn't willing to be truthful.

I wasn't willing to say, I'm not okay.

"I just need to shower," I said, knowing it was the first thing I could think of to get me out of answering her question.

It also would be nice to rinse off and change out of these clothes.

Vincent nodded almost immediately, and I hated how cautious he was being with me.

Freak In You (18+)Where stories live. Discover now